Seismic Destruction
The Aftermath

Scattered across the battle field were the corpses of Zerg and Gyaos alike. Not only that, but also a dozen brave Kaiju who fought valiantly for a good cause. But now, the Galaxy Trians have appeared before the might of Evangelion Units 1 & 4, DragonZord, GxM, Gamera, Yonggary, Godzalla, and SUPER GODZILLA.

Super Godzilla was losing control of his power and soon would become Godzilla once again; but he, like Tomzilla, was shocked by the Galaxy Trians comment towards them. They’re clones. Now Super Godzilla always knew that his body was always regenerated and re-grown by the MWF technicians, and had a special machine that brought back his spirit—but still, he was created by the Galaxy Trians. His own DNA created the Dark God leviathan, known as Gojira. One who would eventually return and of course seek out vengeance. It would be a never ending battle. But even so, his spirit had returned…but what of Tomzilla? The human isn’t the real one, who everyone met long ago. This whole time, the real Tomzilla was gone and had not returned to us, but instead replaced by a clone, a clone that only had his memories and thoughts; a mere copy. Nothing more.

Tomzilla: I don’t believe you!

Galaxy Trians: Do you deny that you weren’t killed at the end of March Monster Madness?

Tomzilla: No…but…I just know I’m the real one. I have shown signs of possessing a spirit and a soul!

Galaxy Trians: What are these signs? They are only memories and thoughts that were taken exactly from the real Tomzilla, and placed into your barren conscious.

Tomzilla: Liars!

Galaxy Trians: Oh but we’re not lying, not at all. We’re only trying to break it to you calmly.

DDB: Enough! You’ve all deceived us before and we shall not fall for another pathetic attempt of you winning. You have lost many times and shall do so again!

Galaxy Trians: Define winning. Winning: when ones self or a group prevails. You think this huge war was the whole plot? Think again. Our plot was to break down your self conscious, your very mind. And we succeeded. Now look around you…all you fought for, was for nothing. You were all fighting side by side with a clone, one who has no right to live. One who is a torn soul—hell, he doesn’t even have a soul!

Tomzilla just sat inside Evangelion Unit 4, not making any types of movement. All he was doing was thinking…if it was true. As he watched the Galaxy Trians, who are psychically linked to one another, speaking all at the same time, Tomzilla wondered if what they say was truly true.

Galaxy Trians: It is true…but now, we shall leave you all in despair and sorrow.

With that, the Galaxy Trians disappeared—leaving all the final MWF superstars and announcers standing atop a blood filled land. But as they turned to see Heldarr, rising from the side of the wall, they knew everything wasn’t over. Until they could see that 3 huge horns had impaled themselves through the demon’s chest, and Heldarr slid down the side of the slope, leaving a trail of blood! Fusion came into view and incinerated what was left of Heldarr, before releasing a loud victorious cry. The other monsters acknowledged with their own cries, but than Enferno flew from the volcanic regions, scarred beyond belief and badly injured. As Enferno fell to the ground, Fusion caught him and everyone began to head towards the exit. All but Evangelion Unit 4 just stood there, his armor replaced by his own blood and muscle tissue.

DDB: Come on…let’s go TZ.
Saturday Horror #70

Tomzilla: Hello everyone and welcome to the return of…S-A-T-U-R-D-A-Y H-O-R-R-O-R! Where we, the announcers, welcome you to the best Monster Wrestling Organization—in the world!

DDB: We have a lot of stuff in store for you all, so get ready for a brawl!

TitanoGoji: Indeed…

Tomzilla: What’s wrong?

TitanoGoji: What the Galaxy Trians said…that they were created by an even higher being. It just…worries me that it’s not over.

Tomzilla: Believe me, it will never be over. But what really worries me if well…I’m a clone.

DDB: Don’t believe them; they’re just playing with you.

Tomzilla: What if they’re not?! I may recall what has happened in my—Tomzilla’s life, but I don’t remember doing them.

DDB: Let’s not ponder on such things…and begin the show!!! But I’m so glad things are back to normal. Don’t get me wrong I can’t say it wasn’t exciting saving the world from the Zergs and all but this is what I signed on at the MWF for, good old fashioned monster fights!

Tomzilla: Normal? Are things ever really normal around here?

TitanoGoji: Here’s your Dr. Pepper TZ and I picked up your dry cleaning

Tomzilla: Car?

TG: Washed and fueled.

Tomzilla: Dog?

TG: Walked, fed and cuddled.

DDB: Yep, things are pretty much back to normal. Anyway, lets get right to it with what should a great fight. The battlefield is the grassland setting and it’s between that snow-white ape BLIZZARD and the king of Dinosaurs, the indomitable T-REX!

TitanoGoji: (sarcastically) Gee, we can’t tell who you’re rooting for.

DDB: Dinosaurs rule man!

Tomzilla: We’ll see Blizzard is one tough customer!

The two monsters face off across the grassy fields. A few trees line one edge of the zone.

Blizzard throws his head back and roars exposing his huge fangs and beats his massive chest with his fists.

T-Rex roars his dislike at the ape. He swishes his tail and stomps forward with fangs bared.

Blizzard leans forward and runs at the dinosaur like a charging linebacker. He slammed into the saurian with a powerful shoulder and tackled the dinosaur to the ground. T-Rex squealed at the sudden blow but recovered quickly and he snapped and clawed at Blizzard with his deadly weapons. Blizzard evaded the strikes as he rolled with the tyrannosaur across the grassy floor.

The two stopped rolling with Blizzard on top. The dinosaur lunged forward with a mighty snap of its jaws. But Blizzard reacted with a brutal punch to the underside of the beast’s chin snapping the big head back. Blizzard then punched the dinosaur in the soft throat making it squeal in pain.

But try as Blizzard might he could not control the thrashing of the huge dinosaur. His sharp teeth and whipping tail not to mention its flailing claws were just too much to keep track of. Blizzard sent a powerful punch into the Rex’s chest then another to the soft stomach before he moved to get up. But he was caught by a nasty swipe from the sharp talons on the T-Rex’s hind foot. Blizzard roared in pain as the sharp claw sliced into his hairy thigh making him bleed.

Tyrannosaurus jumped up to his feet while Blizzard limped on his. T-Rex brought his tail around and, like a giant, living whip, cracked it across Blizzard’s face opening a nasty gash under the left eye.

Blizzard roared in pain and anger and the tyrannosaur charged him opening its massive jaws with its rows of deadly teeth. He aimed to take a cow-sized chunk out of the great ape’s hide but Blizzard reacted quickly and side stepped the onrushing saurian and wrapped it in a headlock. Blizzard powered the Rex’s head down onto the grassy plain making the lower jaw dig into the ground and snapping several teeth.

Blizzard then shifted his weight and got on the dino’s back. He locked his hands on the upper and lower jaws and stretched with all his might in an effort to break the Rex’s jaws and end the terrible fight.

But the squirming of tyrannosaurus was too much to handle and Blizzard slipped off the back losing his grip. T-Rex hissed and snarled before lunging in and snapping his jaws again. Blizzard was not so fast this time and the powerful jaws snapped tight over the ape’s left hip. Blood flowed from the many punctures the teeth made and it filled T-Rex’s mouth giving him a sense of victory. Blizzard roared in pain and pounded savagely on the reptile’s head.

T-Rex felt the hard hits but knew he had a killer grip on and he wrenched his head and threatened to take a massive chunk of meat out of Blizzard’s abdomen. Blizzard threw his head back and yelled out in agony. In desperation he struck back with both hands. Whether it was luck or perhaps instinct or intelligence Blizzard found a vulnerable spot.

With a mighty shove Blizzard forced his index finger into the ear hole on the side of the tyrannosaur’s head. The dinosaur let lose his mouth hold instantly and wailed in high-pitched screams as Blizzard ripped his ear canal apart.

Tyrannosaurus brought his hind foot up and shoved it into Blizzard’s stomach slicing him and shoving him away on to his back.

T-Rex shook his head a wailed some more as he head was really aching now. Blood oozed out of the ruined ear hole but now the king of dinosaurs was terribly angry as well as hurt. It proved to be a bad combination for Blizzard and the tyrannosaur charged and lashed out again with his deadly hind leg talons. They raked ugly lacerations down Blizzard’s chest and forced him to stagger backward roaring in pain.

But despite the severe pain he struck back and kicked tyrannosaurus hard in the stomach making him squeal in pain. Blizzard then charged forward and wrapped a powerful, hairy arm around the dinosaur’s throat and slammed the beast back down in a mighty body slam.

Now on top as they lay on the ground Blizzard rammed hard fists into the Rex’s stomach and chest making him thrash wildly as he squealed with pain. When Blizzard rammed a devastating right fist into the diaphragm tyrannosaurs lurched his head forward and blood spewed out his mouth as he uttered a terrible screech of pain as Blizzard ruptured an internal organ.

But if Blizzard was about to celebrate he was doing it way too early as T-Rex got a hind foot in between them and shoved him back with such great force that Blizzard slammed into a tree and splintered it as he crashed to the ground.

Tyrannosaurus got to his feet. His stomach heaved as he gasped air. Hurting and bleeding from most likely fatal injuries he wanted to see his enemy dead first.

Blizzard shook his head. He was growing dizzy from blood loss, as so much had seeped out of his body it matted down his thick white fur making him look almost pink in color. He looked up and saw the tyrannosaur advancing on him. It was moving much slower than it had but Blizzard knew it wanted him dead. He struggled on the broken trees and tried to get up. But he was not quick enough as the Rex suddenly attacked with his wicked jaws snapping.

Blizzard tried to back up while on his back but he was not able to avoid the first strike. As it came in Blizzard tried to kick the dinosaur’s head away. He was not successful though as he wound up sticking his leg right into the tooth filled mouth.

The pain filled screams of Blizzard again resonated across the battlefield as tyrannosaurus chomped down on his leg. Blizzard struggled but the more he pulled the more he helped rip his own leg muscle apart. His hands latched onto something that was poking him in the back and he pulled it around. It was the broken trunk of the tree he had fallen on to.

Being a primate he was able to use primitive tools and this tree was a damn effective primitive club and he whacked it hard over the skull of the dinosaur. T-Rex did not let go though and Blizzard smacked his head a second time. This convinced the dino to let go. He backed up and roared in pain, anger and frustration. This hairy beast refused to die as all other creatures did when they met with his deadly attacks.

Blizzard struggled to his feet using the tree as a crutch. He too was tired and badly wounded but he could not turn and flee for his life, not now, not with his victory so close. But close too was his defeat. Blizzard threw back his head and thumped his slashed chest as he still roared his authority over these lands. Tyrannosaurus took a deep gasp and blood still tricked out of his mouth and roared back his answer. He was the master of this territory and it would not be he who would leave this battlefield under threats. He charged in at Blizzard with the intent of finishing off the battle once and for all.

The tyrannosaur slammed right into Blizzard with all its massive weight. Blizzard fell to his back, pinned under tons of enraged dinosaur fury. The massive jaws opened and came within inches of Blizzard’s face. The long tongue of the dinosaur darted straight out with the teeth right behind it. Blizzard pressed back and seemed to hold the Rex at bay. There they were, body to body practically nose-to-nose. Again the tyrannosaur pressed forward but Blizzard pressed back. The deadly dinosaur mouth uttered a muffled sound that was followed by a heavy flow of red blood that dripped down onto Blizzard’s chest and neck.

T-Rex seemed to relax a bit and Blizzard shoved him back to his haunches. It was then the reason for Blizzard’s success could be seen. The broken tree was jammed right into the center of the tyrannosaur’s chest. The huge timber was nestled perfectly between the two tiny forelimbs that still flailed wildly.

As tyrannosaurus wobbled, and his body died Blizzard gave a final roar of anger and shoved the tree forward again. It ripped all the way through the chest cavity and punched out the back with a spray of crimson. Tyrannosaurus threw his head back and let out a final roar that was stifled when a glut of blood surged out of its mouth. The dinosaur fell over to his side. The clawed hind legs kicked at the earth digging it up some while the long tail whipped up and down a few times as the great dinosaur took its last few raspy breaths and then lay still.

Blizzard looked at the dead animal for a moment to be sure it was in fact finished. Then he put one foot on the beast’s snout and thumped his chest in a triumphant roar.
DDB: Damn!

TitanoGoji: Better luck next time.

DDB: Something with T-Rex and apes he’s got a mental block since King Kong I think.

Tomzilla: Anyway what’s next?

DDB: Up next is a battle between two classic Kaiju, GIGAN and ANGILAS!

The battle zone is the grasslands again.

Angilas stomps around looking for his opponent but sees none. He waits. He waits then waits some more. He takes a drink of water from the near by pool of clear water. He waits and still no Gigan.

TitanoGoji: Have we ever had a forfeit before?

DDB: We may unless Gigan shows up soon.

Angilas lies down and soon is sound asleep. Apparently that’s what Gigan was waiting for because here he comes. What a great plan if it works.

Gigan flies above the battle area. He circled high above the water hole and saw the object of his dislike, the sleeping Angilas.

Gigan used his animal instincts and made sure he stayed down wind form his target. He charged up the red jewel on his forehead and took careful aim. He then sent forth his beam and it scored a direct hit!

Several small spikes in Angilas’s back are blasted to dust and the jolt awoke the sleeping giant with a start. Angilas roars not so much in pain as surprise and anger. Gigan then fired another bolt. Again it struck the horny carapace and made Angilas screech in rage.

Gigan seems frustrated that his energy bolts were not having the desired effect. He lands and folds his wings back, outstretched his hook-like arms and shrieked a challenge to the intruder.

Gigan clanked his hard hooked arms together and seemed pleased to be in a fight. But when Angilas charged straight ahead like a bull Gigan was taken by surprise. Angilas lowered his head and rammed the long, sharp horns into the upper part of Gigan’s leg. Sparks as well as blood came out of the wound. Gigan screeched in pain and fell back.

Angilas then sank his huge fangs into Gigan’s side. Another high pitched wail of pain accompanied by more sparking and flowing fluid came out of the cyborg. Gigan brought one of his hook arms down and it cracked on top of Angilas’s hard back. It had little effect. Angilas just bit into the body that much harder. Gigan squealed again and began whapping Angilas over and over with his hard slashing hook of an arm. Finally one of his strikes hit his attacker on the top of the head and drew blood. Angilas roared in pain and backed off.

Gigan got to his feet and fired another energy beam at Angilas this time it struck him right where his right front leg attaches to his body. A squirt of red blood came bursting through the skin and Angilas is hurt. He is also enraged and an enraged Angilas is a dangerous thing as Gigan is about to find out.

Even as Gigan clapped and seemed to laugh as he hurt his opponent Angilas was charging forward again. Angilas leapt up like an attacking pit bull and latched his teeth onto Gigan’s right side just below the armpit. Gigan chirped out a call of pain and surprise as Angilas takes him down again.

Angilas has Gigan in a tight grip with his jaws. He shakes the cyborg back and forth like a dog with a chew toy. Gigan squealed and chirped as the ferocious fighter tossed him about with ease. Angilas then gave his head a powerful toss and sent Gigan flying through the air and splashing into the water hole.

Steam and bubbles came belching out from the top of the water as Gigan sank under the surface. Angilas reared back on his haunches and sat up pawing at the air as he roared out a victory cry. But Angilas was celebrating too quickly. For Gigan come bursting out of the water with all the force his flight systems could offer. He comes straight at Angilas who was still sitting back on his hind legs. Gigan swiped a hooked arm that punctured the tender underbelly and fount of blood spewed out as Gigan pulled it free and settled back to his feet.

Angilas roared in pain and surprise and dropped back to his fighting stance. He charged Gigan again but Gigan side stepped and Angilas only managed to get hold of part of the leg. It was enough to tip Gigan over to his back though and Angilas saw what he wanted to get his teeth into, Gigan’s throat!

He scrambled up and sank his powerful jaws down over Gigan’s throat. Gigan shook and screamed as his throat was being torn into. But Angilas had no idea he had put himself in a dangerous if not deadly position as his vulnerable stomach rested right on top of the buzz saw in Gigan’s torso.

Gigan wasted no time in firing up his most powerful weapon. Angilas released the hold on the throat as soon as the saw dug into his belly. Gigan was hurt but still seemed to laugh as he wrapped his hooked arms around Angilas’s back and hugged him in tighter as he let his saw cut deeper and deeper into the soft belly meat. Now it was Angilas who was squealing in pain as Gigan was literally cutting him in half. A spray of red was jetting up between the two as the buzz saw did its deadly work.

In desperation Angilas rammed his head down again. The pointed nose horn struck the red gem in Gigan’s forehead cracking it. Gigan had never felt that sort of pain as the blow sent shock waves all the way through the cyborg’s head and into its control systems and brain. He tossed Angilas aside as he rolled over to try to clear his groggy senses.

Angilas struggled to his feet. He was bleeding badly as he narrowly escaped death. But it would take more that a buzz saw in the gut to stop the most ferocious of all the Kaiju. Angilas roared and charged at Gigan. Just as he was a bout half way to his target Angilas did a back flip and timed his leap perfectly as his spike filled back came slamming into Gigan puncturing him many times and causing lots of sparking and bleeding. Gigan rolled about screaming. He was almost in a panic as Angilas had damaged many body parts and circuits. He needed time to repair but he could not, would not, leave the battlefield with his enemy in charge of it.

As Angilas rolled off him Gigan made quick jump and was airborne for a moment as sparks and smoke trailed behind him. He landed across the clearing and Angilas made another run at him. Again he leapt up with his spiked back aimed at his enemy. Gigan was not about to get caught a second time by the same trick. He dodged sideways and Angilas landed on his back but found nothing but ground beneath him.

Angilas’s long back spikes went deep into the earth. He had accidentally pinned himself to the ground. He kicked his legs wildly in the air and called out in rage and frustration. Gigan was terribly hurt. He had numerous breaks in his hide and was bleeding and sparking out of many. But he walked over to Angilas and stood between his hind feet. Gigan did not give out a sound of laughter. He was hurting too much to laugh now but he was not hurting so much that he would not finish the battle.

Gigan raised both arms up and drove them both down into the long vertical gash he had already cut into Angilas’s stomach. Gigan then began to pull his arms to either side as he began to rip the belly open as if he were ripping open a shirt.

Angilas could not believe that anything could be this painful as his screams of agony filled air. Gigan sensed victory and pulled harder opening the wound up more. All four legs of the quadruped kicked wildly in the air. Blood and foam began to dribble out of Angilas’s mouth just as his insides began to pop out of the ever widening gash in his belly. The mighty Angilas was just moments from death, a death he would welcome if it would take away his current pain.

Angilas finally can take no more and taps out his submission!
Tomzilla: Wow Gigan gets a nice win there.

TitanoGoji: Have to call that one an upset.

DDB: Indeed but Angilas is one tough monster. He’ll be healed up and back fighting in no time flat.

Tomzilla: No doubt about that.

DDB: Up next we have the debut of another created monster IVANGELIS as he takes on the Okinawa god …KING SEESAR!

TitanoGoji” Ivangelis seems like really cool monster.

DDB: You said it there. I’m looking forward to this debut. It should be a really cool match up too. King Seesar is a lion-like monster and Ivangelis has a lion body and an eagle head…VERY COOL!

The match will take place in the city setting.

Ivangelis enters by swooping down from the sky. His massive feet smash tiny multiple story buildings and crushes the pavement.

He lets loose with a loud cry and the long spiral horn on his forehead crackles with electrical energy. His bright eyes glow with angelic power.

King Seesar comes crashing through a medium sized office tower as he enters the scene. His wide mouth opens and lets out a loud roar.

Ivangelis takes flight and flies straight at KS with his horn ready to impale the Okinawa god.

But King Seesar is no rookie and he grabs the horn and flips Ivangelis right over his back and body slams him on his back smashing a train beneath him.

King Seesar drops and grabs Ivangelis around the throat and digs in with his huge claws and strangles the birdlike neck at the same time.

Ivangelis whips his tail around and hit King Seesar along the side of the head and knocks him free.

Ivangelis staggers up with blood running down his neck and his coughing badly.

King Seesar gets up too and looks none the worse for wear.

Ivangelis fires his angel beams from his eyes.


King Seesar’s eyes sparkle and the beams hit them and are instantly reflected back.


Ivangelis get blow right off his feet when his own beams blast him in the head!

King Seesar come leaping in and drops a fully weight knee to the stomach and Ivangelis felt that one!

KS shows his strength now and hauls Ivangelis up and heaves him right over his head and body slams him through a big office tower.

Tons and tons of steel, glass and stone come crashing down on the rookie monster.

King Seesar lets out a lour roar of victory. But we haven’t seen a dead or pinned body yet so…

Wait a minute. The ground beneath King Seesar is moving and…YES! It’s Ivangelis! We heard he had some burrowing ability and now we know its true.

He rises up right under King Seesar and grabs him around the waist and throws him over in aback body drop. But Ivangelis has rows of long spikes on his back and King Seesar falls right on top of them….OUCH!

King Seesar manages to tear himself off the spikes but the damage is clear. He’s got three deep stab wounds on his back and he’s bleeding pretty badly. But KS isn’t the quitting type. He picks up a train car and bashes it across Ivangelis’ head knocking the created monster back a few steps.

You can really see how hurt King Seesar is now but he’s not letting up for a moment and whaps the train car across Ivangelis’ head two more times till the car breaks up. King Seesar drop kicks him back through another office tower.

Ivangelis is backing up and the spiral horn on his head begins to crackle with electric energy.

TitanoGoji: Man didn’t the guy learn anything from the first beam attack? King Seesar cannot be hurt from energy attacks.

DDB: Guess we’re going to find out.

King Seesar busts off TV antenna and looks like he’s going to use it like a club to finish off Ivangelis as he advances on him.

But Ivangelis leaps forward taking flight and soars headfirst right into King Seesar impaling his long spiral horn right through the beast’s chest! Now Ivangelis powers up his horn’s electrical energy.

WOW! What a great move! He got around the energy deflecting eyes by sinking the horn right through the King’s body.

King Seesar is writhing around in pure agony not only from the stabbing but now he’s getting his insides fried from the severe electrical shocks.

King Seesar signals his submission and its over. Here is your winner by submission and getting a win in his debut appearance…IVANGELIS!

TitanoGoji: The King did the right thing there. Better to live and fight another time, no shame in submitting there.

Tomzilla: Impressive win for a rookie

DDB: Yepper, I think we’ll be seeing more of him in the future.

Tomzilla: For sure, what’s next?

DDB: Up next is what I think could be a really interesting match up as that knife headed master of cruelty, GUIRON, takes on the tenacious but inexperienced, GODZILLA JUNIOR!

The battle takes place in the dockyard setting and Godzilla Jr. enters from the left while Guiron comes waddling in from the right.

TitanoGoji: Guiron looks almost clumsy, awkward doesn’t he?

DDB: He does for sure but in the few times we’ve seen him he turns out to be surprisingly agile.

Tomzilla: The guy is mean as they come too. He seems to like to hurt his opponents. Junior has his hands full here.

Guiron and Godzilla Jr. roar at each other and Junior charges right at him. But Guiron leaps forward aiming his knife edge head right at him. But Godzilla Jr. side steps him and bats him out of the air with his tail.

Guiron falls away to his side almost going into the water and Junior begins thumping him with his tail. He keeps Guiron stunned and picks him up and throws him through a warehouse. Whatever we were storing in there sure was flammable because the whole structure exploded in orange flame.

But Guiron comes bursting out from the fiery rubble. His skin is still smoking and even on fire in a few places but he dives right back at his opponent.

But Godzilla Jr. again ducks him and Guiron goes right over him and Junior belts him in the underside as he does. Guiron lands hard and Junior grabs his tail and flips him back over slamming him into the hard pavement. Godzilla turns back on him and begins to stomp him in the sides, chest and gut with his powerful clawed feet. Godzilla Jr. Has the Terra monster in a bad way. He picks up Guiron and hurls him into the water. Guiron slips beneath the water with a terrible cry. Looks like Godzilla Jr. may have victory here.

He goes over to the water and peers down. Then all of a sudden two star shaped missiles that look like ninja stars come blasting out of the water and sink deep into both sides of his chest!

Junior falls back in pain and Guiron surges out of the water and steps in from to him. Guiron fires two more of those sharp ninja stars from the sides of his head. One hits Godzilla Jr. in the throat and another right between the eyes!

Godzilla Jr. lets out a terrible roar of pain as blood squirts from his throat and like a fountain from between his eyes.

Godzilla Jr. is staggering backwards and Guiron leaps forward with his head lowered and sinks practically his entire blade shaped head right into the center of Junior’s belly!

Godzilla Jr. throws his head back and utters a horrible squeal of pure agony! Guiron pulls free with blood dripping from his head. Junior has a deep gash sliced almost the entire length of his gut and it’s spewing out blood and some of his insides.

Holy Cow! The adolescent Godzilla looks finished here. Now Guiron fires two more ninja stars that both hit Junior in the neck causing more blood to spray. Godzilla Jr. falls back and lays on his back panting, gasping for air. This may be too much trauma for even his recuperative powers!

Guiron saunters over toward him almost looking like he’s laughing. He takes a few steps back then leaps straight up into the air and drops head first down ready to send his blade head right through Junior’s heart!

But Godzilla Jr. manages to roll aside in the nick of time and Guiron’s blade head buries itself in the ground.

He flails away but can’t free himself.

Godzilla Jr. is covered with blood and his stomach is still sliced wide open but he staggers over and lays in a kick with all he’s got left and hits Guiron in the side of his head. There is a loud snap as the knife shaped head breaks leaving the fore part stuck in the ground and Guiron falls over with half his head gone. There is huge rush of blood and whatever passes for brains on this beast slip free and falls out of the open wound.

Guiron flops over dead.

Here is your winner…GODZILLA JUNIOR!

Now entering the battlefield is the big guy himself, Godzilla.  The elder Godzilla comes out and lifts his badly wounded off spring into his arms and carries him off. He lets loose with a burst of his atomic flame and incinerates what’s left of the dead Guiron.

Godzilla Jr. is whimpering form his terrible wounds but the teen aged monster put up a super fight against a tough opponent and came out on top.

Tomzilla: I think Godzilla knows just what to do to help the little guy get all healed up.

DDB: No doubt there. Well that’s all I’ve got. What’s next?
Mutation Tag Titles

It has been weeks since the Demonic Duo, Gelynn and Heldarr, won and brutally defeated the former Mutation Tag Champions—Gomora & Tirran. But now, as a cold current of wind swept across the Grass Lands, the rematch is about to occur.

Gelynn, still enraged by his not one but two loses against Enferno, stood on top of a huge boulder, awaiting Gomora. Gomora was flying through the air, with fire manifesting inside his very mouth, as powerful balls of energy blasted straight towards the demon. Gelynn just stood there, frozen solid as the fireballs detonated across his armor-like body, enveloping him in smoke and fire. Gelynn snarled a sinister laugh, before folding out his wings and flew straight at Gomora, tackling him to the ground. Gelynn began to pummel Gomora, who was helpless against Gelynn’s onslaught. But than Tirran’s tentacles wrapped themselves around Gelynn’s waist. The ones with mouths at the tips snarled and lashed out at Gelynn, constricting his throat with their vile jaws and spraying burning acid. Gelynn wailed in pain, but turned to see Tirran heading towards him.

Just as it seemed like Tirran and Gomora would defeat Gelynn, Heldarr leaped into action and slashed the tentacles cleanly with his claws. Heldarr, like a wolf, growled at Tirran—warning him not to come any closer. Tirran epilogue by firing a powerful stream of atomic energies, which literally consumed Heldarr’s entire body! But the demon on all fours was running straight at Tirran, even when he was being enveloped by atomic fires! Heldarr leaped out of the stream of atomic energies and released his Terra Beam; a form of energy made up of dark matters, and blasted Tirran off his feet.

Gelynn and Gomora were duking out. Gomora was pounding Gelynn’s hard metallic chest with his fist, creating dents as he shoved Gelynn off his feet. But when Gomora knelt down for the cover, Gelynn kicked Gomora across the face and sent him flying off his feet. Gomora slammed into the side of a huge boulder and fell face first onto the ground. But it wasn’t over. Gelynn flew on the opposite side of the boulder and fired a blazing energy blast that was powerful enough to cause the boulder to ROLL across the ground. Gomora roared in sorrow, as the boulder rolled across his body, crushing it with immense force.

Tirran had Heldarr by the neck and rammed him face first into the side of a mountain, repeatedly slamming the demon’s skull with astound. But as Tirran seemed to be getting the upper-claw, Gelynn’s tentacles constricted themselves around Tirran, and began choking the life out of him! Becoming nauseated, foam begins to sprout from Tirran’s mouth, before Heldarr clamps his powerful jaws onto Tirran’s throat, ripping it back and forth. Tirran fell to the ground…while Heldarr was continuing to rip and feed off his throat, Gelynn went for the cover: 1…2…3!
Flying across the barren city, his skin coated with flourishing red, was the Red Dragon—Enferno. Enferno was barely able to defeat Gelynn and survive the Zerg horde last week, but now he’s back and fully healed; ready for combat against the other “Red Dragon”, Putricus.

Both dragons faced off in the central courtyard of the city, surrounded by huge skyscrapers on all sides. Enferno lashed out with his razor sharp fangs, but Putricus dodged; knowing Enferno was attempting to take a bite out of his throat, but easily whipped his serpent neck in the opposite direction. Putricus jumped into the air, flapping his mighty wings; sending powerful gust of winds that blew the very windows out of neighboring buildings with ease, and drop kicked Enferno across his chest. Enferno was decked off his feet and now was sent flying into the side of a skyscraper, literally bouncing off its side. The skyscraper soon tilted forward and collapsed onto Enferno’s fallen body, burying him in rubble.

Putricus: I want a challenge…a beast worthy of fighting talent!

Enferno’s head burst from beneath the rubble and sent a stream of fire, a flame hissing with intense heat, as it enveloped Putricus’s entire body with blazing power. The ground beneath Putricus was scorched by the intense heat, as Putricus just stood there and allowed his opponent douse him with his flame. But when the flames settled and Enferno ceased, Putricus stood there—laughing.

Putricus: Fool; like you I too intake energy from heat!

Enferno: Just testing…

Putricus’s body began to split into two and before Enferno could do anything—he was facing off against two Putricus. The clone Putricus flew at Enferno, roaring with anger, but Enferno merely jumped into the air, flapped his wings and did a 360-degree turn, and slashed the Putricus head off with his tail blade. Before it could truly die, the other Putricus jumped and absorbed its second half. Enferno leaped at Putricus and slashed his back with his murderous claws, but Putricus turned and clamped his powerful jaws onto Enferno’s shoulder, crushing the dragon’s very flesh. Enferno cried out in pain, before raising his elbow spikes and implanting them into Putricus’s skull. Putricus, while dazed, released his hold and stumbled backwards, before leaning against the side of a skyscraper. Enferno snarled and flew straight at Putricus, spearing the dragon through not only that skyscraper but several more! Even with rubble on top of them, Enferno continued to rip Putricus apart. But despite having his skull penetrated, Putricus fought valiantly.

By shoving Enferno off of him, bolts of electrical energies and particles of light flared inside Putricus’s mouth, before firing an energy ball that was a mixture of fire and electricity! The ball slammed into Enferno’s abdomen, shocking and knocking him out cold.


What do fans like?

What do fans want?

What do fans expect monster wrestling to be like?

One word…


Come March 31st, for the 3rd annual of MWF’s MARCH MONSTER MADNESS! 6 meteors, 5 monsters on each side, one goal—to be the best! Come see 30 monsters duke it out, in deep space!

Only on
“Godzilla Universe”!

We’re waiting…


Putricus knelt down for the cover, but immediately Enferno kicked out. Enferno and Putricus were now standing eye-to-eye. Enferno’s wings flapped with rejoice, as the huge Red Dragon struck Putricus’s chest with his talons at amazing speeds, flapped into the air, and began to fly into many circles—with Putricus along for the ride. Enferno lifted Putricus up with his talons, removing parts of his skin along the way, and threw him into the air. Putricus was now a few miles into the sky and dropping rapidly, seeing the city come closer and closer. But seconds before hitting the ground, Enferno flew straight towards him and drop kicked Putricus right through a skyscraper! Putricus slammed into the ground and rolled across a street corner, panting for air. Enferno landed on top of him, for the cover: 1…2…3!
Tomzilla: Not a bad fight from both competitors!

DDB: Putricus did an outstanding job, but looks like Enferno was the lucky one.

TitanoGoji: Well, what’s next?

Tomzilla: What’s with that?

DDB: What?

Tomzilla: We seem so…lifeless, ya know?

TitanoGoji: No…I don’t…

Tomzilla: Hmmmph…bring me grape soda!

TitanoGoji: Right away sir!

Tomzilla: Like I said…lifeless.


Blaradon was sizing up his biceps backstage, showing off to Godzorga, Cyborg Godzilla, and other Created Monsters.

Blaradon: Yup…come the next rebellions, I will once again lead. I almost lead us into victory, but of course traitors interfered.

Godzorga: You are indeed a great leader…

Cyborg Godzilla: How dare they defy you!

Blaradon: Yes, yes…hey, what the?!

Blaradon shouted angrily, as Gameron burst into the locker room. Many Kaiju seemed to under-estimate Gameron, mostly because they considered him a weakling.

Gameron: So, you like to brag? Fine. I challenge you, Blaradon, to an under-water volcanic battle. First one to fall into the volcanic realms beneath the water loses!

Blaradon: You foolish infidel—the MWF’s Water Area doesn’t have such a thing.

Gameron: It does now…do you accept my challenge?

Blaradon: Very well. Boys, guess it’s time to smack some sense into this kid.

Blaradon walked out of the entrance and made his way towards the ramp that would lead him to the Water Area. Fans erupted, booing and holding up signs. Some saying,” Blaradon sucks!” But we’ll find out if he does, as he swam across the water and dragged himself on top of a small island, and waiting for his opponent.

Gameron came out of the entrance and nobody really said anything. For the first time, the crowd seemed dead. But they really didn’t know much about Gameron; just he’s lost every fight he’s been in. Gameron dove into the water and stopped only a few hundred feet away from the small island, which Blaradon stood atop.

Blaradon: So, are you ready to die?

Gameron: You might as well ask yourself the same question. Because when I’m done with you, you’ll be another floating carcass of the sea.

Blaradon erupted into anger, un-leashing wave of nuclear energy. Gameron dove beneath the water, feeling the water temperatures in the area exceed sizzling temperatures. Steam rose from the now boiled water surface. Blaradon roared in anger and leaped in, head first. Blaradon swam straight towards Gameron, who was waiting for him. Even if the water slowed down the physical fights, Blaradon amazed fans by slashing through the water with his Pincer Claws so fast! But Gameron amazed them more, by being able to dodge. Gameron knocked Blaradon aside the jaw with his fists. Blaradon attempted to cry out in pain, but instead he just inhaled thousands of gallons of water down his throat. Blaradon attempted to fire a concentrated beam of energy, but Gameron was able to shield himself with his shell.

Gameron swam through the waves of the water, elbowing Blaradon in the gut. Blaradon ignored the pain, by slicing his Pincer Blades down. The Pincer Blades hit their target, slicing through Gameron’s chest-plate, rendering the area clouded in blood. Gameron roared in pain, but he wasn’t done fighting. Gameron wrapped his arms around Blaradon’s waist, and fired up his “jets”! Streams of power burst from his leg sockets, and like Gamera, Gameron was exceeding power energies from where his legs once were. Blaradon roared in agony, as he was being pushed back closer and closer towards the volcanic area. The intense heat and red glare had enveloped both monsters, enlightening both with its beauty and wonder. Blaradon, frustrated, slit his right Pincer Claw through Gameron’s abdomen. Gameron cried out in pain, but did not let go! Gameron slammed Blaradon’s body into the under-water volcanic region, declaring him the winner!

Winner: Gameron

Gameron released his hold and swam back to the surface. Gameron rose out of the water and landed on a small island cloister, and roared in victory. Fans were on their feet, cheering the beast with an applause. But then Blaradon burst from behind and sliced his Pincer Claws right through the back of his shell. Gameron cried out in pain, but he was now defenseless. Blaradon prepared to dice the one who just defeated him, until a Plasma Nuclear Fireball seared through the air and detonated across his scaly face, smoldering his skin with intense heat. Blaradon roared in pain, seeing a familiar shape flying straight at him—in the shape of a saucer!

Blaradon: Gamera?!

But when he got a closer look, it indeed wasn’t Gamera…for Gamera doesn’t have hundreds of spikes, covering his back shell. Whatever it was, it Shell-Tackled Blaradon, but slamming its twirling body against Blaradon’s skull, knocking him into the water out cold, and leaving a trail of blood. Gameron looked in aw, as the beast before him had appeared in the MWF before. One of the legends of the MWF, a legendary created monster—Godmera! Godmera offered his hand to the newcomer, which Gameron accepted. Both released a loud mixture of Godzilla and Gamera cries, as both took off towards the locker rooms.

Tomzilla: Gameron is the winner AND Godmera has returned?! I thought he retired!

DDB: Looks like he’s back…

TitanoGoji: Awesome fight indeed and here’s your grape soda, TZ.

Tomzilla: Thank thee governor!

TitanoGoji: Huh?

Tomzilla: …and bring me fries and burgers.

TitanoGoji: Right away sir!

DDB: Well fans…I guess we’re done for tonight. Seems like nothing else will happen, since the Galaxy Trians are most likely planning for another assault! Bagan and Gojira are probably preparing their counterattack as well.

Tomzilla: And…

DDB: TZ, I told you—forget it. Don’t believe them…you are the Tomzilla we all knew a year ago.

Tomzilla: But what if they were telling the truth?! I must know…

With that Tomzilla left the announcing room, right before TitanoGoji came back in with burgers and fries.

TitanoGoji: Where’d he go?

DDB: I guess to find out the truth about him…well fans, next week we hope to welcome back Montyzilla! AND…it seems Tomzilla, CEO of this company, made a bet last Super Bowl, with MWF’s most well known plumber. Anthony; manager of Team Destroyer and head of MWF’s Plumber Department! Well, Tomzilla lost and Anthony is now upgraded to co-writer/announcer. So let’s see if we’ll see him next week, fans!

Both DDB and TG breathed a fresh air of relief, after the cameras were off and they were no longer on live television.

DDB: Look at that…

TG: Military Isl. I can’t believe we’re actually taking the precautions and making an island completely dedicated to defending everyone here with the most state of the art weaponry.

DDB: Well, I can see the good side to it. But…we already have the monsters.

TG: Yeah, but what if say one of the Angels returned or even Bagan? Even Gojira could just fire an energy blast, causing that island to disappear in a huge mushroom cloud.

DDB: You forget it will be protected by a powerful shield.

TG: Yeah…but will it hold? The Galaxy Trians may have started out making us believe they were idiots, but…they’re really intelligent. We must assume the ones who created them are as well. I fear that whatever happens, the creators or even creator of the Galaxy Trians will make its presence known…come
March Monster Madness.