A 001 Life Alive #1
   This acrylic painting is part of the continuing series of free-form compositions. The combination of curvilinear and rectilinear lines create a lively work. Interference colours produce glowing highlights. Size - 18x24".
A 002 Life Alive #2
   This painting uses broader shapes and transparent areas to continue the sense of liveliness. The yellow and interference paints evoke happiness and joy. size - 18x24"
A 003 The Child in Us
   The theme of life is expanded further in this work. The use of red and intertwining shapes within this narrow format produces excitement. An emerging figure appears to be on the move. size - 12x24"
A 004 A New Earth
   The broad lines encircle an emerging city. This new, spiritual life is bathed in a spiritual glow. A feeling of richness is achieved through the use of interference gold, orange and red. Size - 24x30
A 005 Life Force
   Bold, sweeping forms unite together through overlapping and directional shapes. The greenish gold colours create depth against the light brown shapes. Radiation from the yellow sun produces power and glory. Size 30x40"
A 006 Ascension
   The freedom of large, bold shapes move upward and back. Strong, rectilinear lines contrast with the overall fluid movement. An extensive use of interference colours create a general, glowing effect. which is emphasized by the yellow cross. Size - 34x 46"
A 007 Introspective
   This fluid composition relies entirely on the interplay of curvilinear lines. The insertion of short strokes add a sense of rhythm as the broad lines move towards the centre. Size - 30x40"
A 008 Hot Core
   This smaller work focuses on the impasto shapes in the centre. The sweeping red and yellow colours symbolize the intensity of heat and emotion. Size - 12x12"
A 009 The Fire Within
   Broad shapes move from the sides to the centre. The circular format reminds one of the cycle of life which can move from cool to hot through humankinds' trials and emotions. Size - 36" round
A 0010 Universal rhythm
   These fluid, wide forms move gracefully across the canvas. Free-flowing movement carries the spirit to new and exciting moments throughout the universe. Size - 33x60"
A 0011 Central Focus 1
   In these next five paintings I'm exploring movement and form without the use of colour. Both Focus 1 and 2 started with transparent strokes. White lines and dots add vibrancy to the composition. Size - 24x24"
A 0012 Central Focus 2
   The softer greys and larger dots give a lighter sense of mystery. There is livelier movement throughout the rectangular format. One continues to focus on the centre. Size - 24x24"
A 0013 Eye of the Storm
   In this smaller work the rough, short strokes all move towards the centre. White, incongruous shapes begin to take form. Size - 12x12"
A 0014 Transformation
   In this format I decided to restrict the fluid lines to black and grey. The extensive use of the white background isolates the lines. Changes take place within the interlocking shapes. Size - 12x12"
A 0015 Dwelling Within
   One finds an increasing number of curvilinear lines and shapes in this composition. New forms develop as the shapes interact with each other. Size - 12x12"
A 0016 Bulkhead
   This is one of the first new works which incorporate bolder shapes moving inward towards the centre. Large, rectangular forms contrast against fluid lines and textures. Interference colours add to the overall glow. Size - 30x40"
A 0017 Hidden within
   Bold, white shapes surge into the centre, contrasting dramatically against textured reds, blues and yellows. One is forced to look for treasures and meaning from within. Rich, interference paints produce a mysterious mood. Size - 34x45"
A 0018 The Mechanics of Life
   Reminiscent of Bulkhead, bold, rectangular shapes move towards the centre. Flowing, curvilinear forms envelop the central area of rich, textured reds and yellows. Size - 24x30"
A 0019 Thrusting to the Core
   Huge, white forms thrust into the centre, contrasting against the harsh, greens and reds. Fluid, bold shapes envelop the central area. Interference colours create an inner glow. Size - 30x40"
B 0020 Inner Strength
   This large painting continues to reflect the boldness found in 'Thrusting to the Core'. Wide shapes sweep inward from the edges. Our strength is found in our inner being. Size - 48x48"
B 0021 Guiding Spirit
   The overall feeling of texture is strongly present in this composition. The curving, white shapes and the protruding, gold lines create unity and strength. One senses the presence of a protective spirit. Size - 30x36"
B 0022 My Father is...
   These next 4 works represent my latest, computer prints in 2005. These images of past Jewish leaders reflect their commitment to God. The portaits are combined with photos of three- dimensional, ancient tombstones. His Father is God almighty. Size - 16x19"
B 0023 Peace for...
   In this print the use of stronger reds and oranges create a feeling of warmth. The beard becomes a part of the dimensional design. He believes that peace is for all humankind. Size - 16x19"
B 24 Guardian of...
   The hard working farmer unites with the curvilinear shapes of the tombstone. There is a sense of strength and commitment in his God-given tasks. The graphics remind us that he is guardian of the faith. Size - 24x30"
B 0025 Labour of L...
   This man represents the age of wisdom. His life has always been a labour of love for God and his family. Jewish writings and direction are directly behind him. Size - 16x19"


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