"What about the end of time?"

by Marilyn Oliver


You know, if the world was about to end, what would you do? Would you sit by and watch for it? Or would you try to fight it? There are some people who don't think that there will be a end to things. I think they have a lot to learn. I believe that God is the greatest power and his son Jesus has the power to call to heaven all his people who have earned the chance to live for ever in heaven with him and the Father. This little story I about to tell you hasn't happened yet. And it might not for many hundreds of years, or it could happen tomorrow. If you believe in God, and that he gave his son to pay for our sins then this is a must read. But if you think there is no God I hope this story will help you to see the error of your ways and set your feet on the right path to life forever. There is no sure fire way to know for sure until death has you in its grips, but I like to think that there is a greater power and that I am in his hands for life.

The sun hadn't been out for days, there was clouds covering the entire earth and the best scholars couldn't explain it. There was no wind, no cool water to drink, and the sand on the beach had a eerie glow to it. People just sat and watched the sky for any sign of a let up, but there was none. Trees were wilting and the leaves were dying and falling to the ground. Flowers had closed their blooms and showed no signs of reopening. What was going on? The stood an man on the corner and he cried and called to the people to repent for the time of Jesus was there and to change their ways now while there was still time to. But most people laughed at him and called him John the Baptist Jr. Little did they know he was THE John the Baptist, sent down to make ready the world just like he did when the time had come for Jesus to enter into life and preach the word of God.

Do you remember the story in the bible about the Sower? If you don't then you need to read it now: Matthew 13:24-31, That will happen. People started to disappear. They saw their Mother and their Father gone. People saw their children gone. Their next door neighbor. People saw all this and still they didn't catch on. Didn't Jesus say; No man knows when the time of the Judgement will come. and. Didn't he say he would come like a thief in the night

Still people didn't believe this man on the street corner, and soon there were hardly any people there in the world to see the second coming of the Lord, and when he breached the clouds and set foot on this earth for the second time the skies cleared and the breeze blew the death smell away. the sand on the beaches turn back to their white color and the flowers opened their pedals and the leaves turn back to their green and lived. There was peace on the earth again. But for every one person who made it through the end of time 10,000 died and their souls were condemned to hell. Wouldn't it be better for you and everyone else to get to know Jesus and his father now before it is to late. The best possible way to do this is to read the Bible from beginning to end, every day and when you have read the last page read it again. And then yet again, because there is so much information inside that book you can't possibly understand it all the first time.

You can be one of the ones to see Jesus you don't have to die. No body does. Learn all you can and live by the word and you will be one. Say it with your heart "I believe there was Jesus and he died on the cross for me and saved me from damnation. Jesus save me from myself and teach me to follow you through the straight gate where you will lead me"
