
By Marilyn Oliver

If you were drowning I would hope that someone would throw you a rope or a life ring or something. Or at least call for help. But did you know that most people don't even see anything wrong with the way things are in today’s times? A man could drown in evil and wickedness and no body would even see it happening. Why, you might ask? Well it's because the person that is looking at him is drowning too.

I am looking around me and see it more and more everyday; people are worrying about money. They want more of it, and are doing more to get it. It wouldn't be so bad if they weren't trying to con people out of it. That’s what is making it wrong. Everyone wants that all-powerful money. And what can it really buy? THINGS. That’s all it will get you. It won't get you into heaven; it won’t get you a happier life. Money doesn’t buy anything that is important. What will all that do for you when you have been dead for a few thousand years in hell?

What people need is the Love and guidance from Jesus, and everything they will ever need will be there for them when they need it.

I see it more and more every day. Money is the first thought in their minds in the morning and the last thing on their minds before they go to bed at night. Trying to figure out the best and the easiest way to swindle people out of their hard-earned money or out of something they have.

My aunt worked very hard for a good many years trying to have something for herself when she is older and has retired. But it seams to me that now she is older and has retired people think she owes them something, what I don't know. Her Daughter thinks she has all the free time in the world to baby-sit an upstart child that is killing my aunt little by little. If she loved her mother she would have someone else to look after the child. And she would help her mother more. For thirty years she had an anchor around her neck, and now she is free of that, here comes an ungrateful daughter and a grandchild to worry her. Her son in law could do a lot to help her but won't. Why? Because they are out there chasing that dollar. What will it get them in the end? Maybe a fancier caskets? They won't need all that money when they are burning in hell.

When I see people running around chasing that dollar. I think of how sorry I am. All I have ever wanted was to have enough to be warm in the winter and dry when it rains, and enough food to eat when I am hungry. So why do people want more than they need? It is the devil. The devil tells them that they need this because when Jesus comes back there will be hell to pay, so in order to have enough get it now. But the devil is only half-right. There will be hell to pay, but the rich and the greedy will be the ones paying. Not the poor man who follows Jesus and love him and obey Gods commandments. He will enter into heaven naked and free from all sins. No amount of money will buy it for you.

When you read about the mark of the beast in the Bible, do you really read it? Or do you think that it will be thousands of years before you have to think about it? Well, my friend let me clue you in on something you might not have realized yet. How long will it be for Judgement day, if you were to die tonight? You won’t have that thousand years will you? Oh, you say you are young and in good health, you won't die. Right? What would happen if you were killed in an accident tonight going to the store? If you are old, and not in the best of health, You know you time is limited. So what are you waiting for? There is nobody alive today that will live for a thousand years. If Jesus were to come tonight would you be ready to face the music? And could you make it into heaven? I don't think so.

If you have a good job and you have enough to eat and a nice home, and you don't have to worry about the tomorrow of what it will bring. Then you are fortunate indeed. Share that with someone who isn't. If it is a meal, or a coat, or maybe a pair of shoes. It will reflect on you in heaven. Let’s say you are a carpenter, and you know someone who needs to have something repaired. AND they don't have the money to pay a carpenter, why don't you take one day a month and do it for them free. What would it hurt you? You will still go home and eat that night; you will still have a warm bed to sleep in, Right? What did you lose? Nothing. You will have earned something for yourself in heaven you could have never bought, Another piece of the castle Jesus has built for everyone there.

If you don't own you own company, That’s OK, you can do anything that would make life easier or a little better for someone else and that to is good. It doesn’t have to cost you any money, to be nice to someone. But you will get paid more that if you would work every day for the rest of your life.

The mark of the beast is on the way, and there is nothing we can do about it. Except to follow Jesus through it, and not let it affect us in any way. We can live forever in heaven, or live here on earth for the dozen or so years. Which is better? If you don't know the answer to that one then read the Bible, it is in there. If you don't start now, and I mean right now, then it might be too late tomorrow. Remember this, after all is said and done there is one thing that you can count on, and that is that Jesus loves you

The End? -