Date: Sunday, August 27, 2000 11:39 AM

Early Moody Venues
From: Vicki
Date: 06 Jul 1999
Time: 15:05:11
Remote Name:


I am seeking info on the early venues that the Moodies played in the 60's, and have posted to Lost Chords, One Step, That Sound Digest, and the Moody Blues AOL BBS, and have received no replies. I am hoping someone may have the information I am looking for.

On LOAB video Justin mentions the early years and the small venues they played like the Electric Factory, Fillmore, and a place called the Psychadelic Supermarket. Then I recently received a copy of an interview of Justin and John at the Whiskey A Go Go in Hollywood during the KOTK tour, and again Justin mentions the Psychadelic Supermarket. The reason this has caused me to want to know more is my husband was the manager of this place, but because of a motor vehicle accident has had partial amnesia since 1970. During the years, many memories have flooded back. He remembers, and has been confirmed by a friend, that the Moodies did play Elysian Park Love In with Jefferson Airplane which he was involved putting on along with the Griffith Park Love Ins ( is this the Elysian Park to what John referes in Children of RnR?). I have written Ivy awhile back but never received a reply. Not that this is a matter of life and death, but I would like to be able to give my husband more of his past, plus wring his neck for remembering Alice Cooper and not the boys in the band ...LOL..

I may never find out this info unless my wildest dream comes true, and at least I know what question I would ask ~

Please private Email

Deep peace Vicki