Here are all the tools that a witch needs. Acutally,
"needs" is the wrong word. In order to be a witch, all you
really need is a firm belief and trust in both the Goddess
and the God, good visualization skills, and yourself. Your
hands can be your wand, athame, or whatever you need.
However, it is my belief that one should have a
Book of Shadows, in which to make reference to, and write in.
They are very useful!!

*Note: if you know of any other tools that you feel
should be on this list, feel free to email me and tell
me what they are, and give me a brief description of them.
I do realize that there are MANY other tools out there, but
to list them all would take me a lifetime! Thanks!*

Athame - The athame is a black hilted knife also known
as the Seax or yag-dirk. The athame is always double edged,
and the blade is usually five to six inches long. The athame is
used to cast circles, and must never touch blood, or be used to
cut anything! (except for doorways into our circles, of course!)

Cup - Also called a chalice. It is uesed to hold about
any ritualistic liquid.

Cord - The cord is used to measure the radius of our
sacred circles, or for binding things.

Censer - The censer is used for burning incense durring
a ritual. Any kind of incense may be burned inside.

Book of Shadows - This tool is very very important. It is the
last of the five major tools (the four tools before this one
being the other four major tools, in no real order of importance).
The Book of Shadows, also called a Grimoire, is where all
rituals, spells and magical recipes, as well as all our learnings,
are recorded.

Burin - Also called a Bolline, it is a minor tool, which is a
white hilted knife used for cutting herbs. Depending on the path,
the burin is either dropped completely, or used quite often.

Wand or Staff - the wand or staff, (you use one or the other,
wand if you are female, and staff if you are male) are used
for various magick in rituals. They can be made from wood,
or any other material. For the wand, however, I would
suggest using the branch of a Willow or Yew Tree. make it about
the length from your elbow to the end of your middle finger.

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