Well, Hello there...I see you've found your way into my blog.
This area is going to serve as my about me page, my journal,
poetry page as well as misc. other things. I have been trying
to get this new site up and running, since I'm currently
shit-out-of-luck with getting back into my
old one.


Well, since this area is about me I suppose
I should tell you a little about myself.
I go by Sky on the net, but
my real name is Rena. I am 21
years old as of last June. For those
of you who are not 21 yet, it's
really not that big a deal. It
actually kind of sucks because it
means your not a teenager anymore.
(Damn-it-to-hell!) My zodiac sign
is Cancer. (Yep I'm a crab.)
I have two kids and one on the way. I'm
about 6 months pregnant, and I
feel like a cow. I consider myself eclectic.
Although, I am very interested in
learning about Gaelic and Celtic traditions.

Sat. Oct. 16, 2004


Which is faster?
Flying or running,
Back and forth and forth and back,
Checking our clocks.

Hurry, Run, Fly,
As time passes you by.
Smell the sweet smells,
Swim the crystal waters,
Take in deep breaths, and
Never Exhale.

13 February 2004


She's still...
While the trees pass us by.
Blond hair, Blue eyes...
She sings... "twinkle, twinkle little star,"
and I'm left wondering if she knows how lucky we are...
She smiles as she wiggles her toe...
The world is her playground,
and she knows.

Jacqueline R. Thompson
Wednesday, March, 9, 2005