Which "Moon: Remix RPG Adventure" character are you?

How much of an "independent spirit" are you?

Completely. I am my own person.
Mostly. I live for others, but I still have a mind of my own.
Partially. I am completely dependent on at least one other person.
Not much. I'm part of a group. I don't ever stand alone. Not sure I'd know how.
Independence is irrelevant. We are a collective.

Do you project the same desires and concerns you feel?

Yes. WYSIWYG. I am exactly as I appear.
For the most part, but there ARE a few things I'm holding back.
Sort of. There's a major part of who I am that no one else can ever see.
I do try, I really do...
Not really. I hide my feelings for the sake of others. It's better that way.
I am incapable of projecting.
We do not project.

Are you misunderstood?

What's there to misunderstand?
Occasionally. As much as anyone, I suppose.
Yeah, sometimes. My words are often taken the wrong way.
Often. People are always villainizing me for no reason.
Yes. I don't say much, so people always fill in the blanks themselves.
No, I'M the one who does the misunderstanding.
We are often misunderstood.

Do you approve of who you are and what you've become?

I couldn't be prouder, actually.
For the most part, yeah, I'm pretty satisfied.
I try to downplay it, but really, I think I turned out pretty nicely.
Yes, but... well, there are things I'm not proud of... mistakes have been made...
I have haunting regrets. Maybe I could've done things differently...
I strive to be more than I am.
I get by, but I'm not happy.
No, but do I really need to?
... Who AM I? What HAVE I become?
We do not understand the question.

Are you human?

Erm... does humanOID count?
Well... kinda...
Yes. That's my story, and I'm sticking to it. Don't ask questions.
I am distinctly animal in nature.
I am distinctly plantoid in nature.
I am distinctly half-animal in nature.
I am distinctly machine in nature.
I haven't the foggiest idea WHAT I am.
We know not.

Are you a people person?

I am not a person.
We are not a person.

Do you often sell things?


Are you a philanthropist by trade?

GOD no.
What does "philanthropist" mean?

Do you do drugs?

Shut up! The moonlight's dancin' in the rainbow squad banana loafer, man!
Never touch the stuff.
Only if tobacco counts.
Only if alcohol counts.

Are you more rich, or powerful?

Neither, and I'll thank you not to draw attention to that fact!
I don't need money, and I don't need power. Everything I need, I have.
I don't need money, and I don't need power. What I need, money and power can't buy...

Do you often doodle?

In my mind.

Can you fly?

You'd think so, but no.

Nothin' quite like loud music and dancing, huh!

Right on, baby!
Turn that crap off, ya' lousy teenagers!
Can't hear myself think, with all this racket...
I don't mind it.
Shhhhh, you'll scare it/them off!
Shhhhh, I'm hiding!
A nice waltz would be better.
Ooh, can I sing?
Ooh, can I make money off of this situation somehow?
Wow, I know this band! I have ALL of their albums!!

Are you in love?

Yes, I am, with a cute little turtle-like creature!
Yes, with the bestest person in the whole world!
Yes, but alas, it's a one-sided affair...
I WAS in love, once...
I have no time for love.
I love money.
I love everyone.
I hate everyone.
I can't feel love.
I love life, and that's all I need.
I am within love.
I bring love.
I am love.
No, but I wish I were.
No, and frankly, I don't see any chance of that happening anytime soon.
We do not love.

Do you get as much respect as you feel you deserve?

Yes, definitely.
Yeah, I'd say so.
Probably not.
No, definitely not.

In your own opinion, are you beautiful/handsome?

Oh God yes.
I don't know.
I wish I were.
I wish I weren't.

How do you feel about birds?

Dem's sexy beyotches, yo.
Awww, wook at the cute wittle birdies!!
Their soothing melodies calm me.
Their soothing melodies would make for a kick-ass dance mix.
I like 'em fine.
Meh. Not a fan.
Truth be told, I'm scared of them.

What about flowers?

... I love flowers. They bring me great joy... and pain...
Flowers, birds, sunshine in the trees... it's all good!
Flowers are hard to draw.
My life is like a withered flower...
I'd sure like some flowers...
I sell flowers. $10. Non-negotiable.
Can I eat them? Do they taste good?
Can I eat them? Will they affect my consciousness?
I have no objections, per se...
Too organic.


My dog is my one true friend.
Dogs dogs dogs dogs dogs dogs dogs dogs, do-do-do-dog do-dog, CHARGE!
I'm particularly good with dogs.
I feel like a stray mutt sometimes.
I like 'em fine.
God no.
I sell dog bones. $5. Non-negotiable.

Do you play video games?

Often. That's why I'm here!
I have no time for such trivialities!
You can play video games ON me.
Who needs video games, when you've got toys?
Who needs video games, when you've got flowers?
Who needs video games, when you've got TALENT?
Who needs video games, when you can draw?
Video games? I'll buy 'em from you for 7 cents apiece. Non-negotiable.
I do enjoy their music, I must admit...
I can't enjoy them: I have too many worries to deal with.
All of life is a game.
All of life is beyond game.
I'm too drunk. Ask me again later. Hey, are you the mailman?
N,n,n,no... I do... other things... in my spare time... please don't ask.
We do.

So, is everyone really out to get you?

YES. OH GOD YES. I haven't slept in DAYS...
... yes.
It does feel that way sometimes...
There are indeed those who are out to get me... and those who are not...
Maybe. I dunno. Hey, look at that -- a blue car!!
Naaaah, you're just paranoid. Relax!!
Perhaps *I* am the one who is out to get *you*...

Have you attained nirvana?

(vocal utterance of affirmation, source unknown)
Not yet.
What's nirvana?
You mean, like, "Smells Like Teen Spirit"?

And, finally, do you build things?

Yes, by myself.
Yes, in collaboration.
Yes, spiritually.
Yes, but they're not real.
If by "build" you mean "create," then yes.
No, I buy or find things.
No, I just sell things.
No, I myself am a built thing.
No, I'm too busy messing with people.
No, I have no need for material goods.
Shut the hell up already and give me my results.