Just as we are blessed with many different styles

The Many Faces of Poetry

Just as we are blessed with many different styles, writers also have many different styles of poetry to challenge their creativity.  Here is a sampling of a few styles I've undertaken, thus far.

Etheree:   Consists of 55 syllables, divided over ten lines. Line 1 begins with one syllable counting up to line 10 with ten syllables.  Also known as Count Up or Count Down.  See "Emotional Roller Coaster".

Tears Shadowed With Fears

Upon cheeks.
Crystal droplets
Shattering in heart,
While fear wrestles my soul
For the pride dwelling within.
My baby, a man, no longer
Pretending, plotting GI Joe wars.
Will my prayers find him so far from home?
Love...One Being
Eyes mesh
as your touch
inflames quivers
escalating me
to impassioned journey.
Impetuous kisses brand
every nerve with blatant desire.
My core envelopes us as hungry
bodies, souls fuse into one existence.
Emotional Roller Coaster
Eyes mesh
as your touch
inflames quivers
escalating me
to impassioned journey.
Impetuous kisses brand
every nerve with desire.
My core envelopes us as hungry
bodies, souls fuse into one existence.
Hostility consumes me, effacing
All emotion as chilling numbness
Saturates my core. Your lies and
Deceit violate my trust,
Molding this breathing corpse
Into being not
Recognized, as
Life's mirror

Cinquain:  Contains 5 lines with a total of 22 syllables, unrhymed.
Line 1: 2 syllables
Line 2: 4 syllables
Line 3: 6 syllables
Line 4: 8 syllables
Line 5: 2 syllables

My Guest?

Weaves tangled webs
In corners of my space
Intricate artistry beheld

Quinzaine:  Unrhymed verse of 15 syllables. First line makes a statement and next two lines ask a question relating to statement.
Line 1: Statement of 7 syllables
Line 2: Beginning of question with 5 syllables
Line 3: End of question with 3 syllables

Blossom or Root?

A discussion commences

Will Insight blossom

or ire root?

Sedoka:  Consists of six lines with syllable count.
Line 1: 5 syllables
Line 2: 7 syllables
Line 3: 7 syllables
Line 4: 5 syllables
Line 5: 7 syllables
Line 6: 7 syllables

Glistening Ballet

Winter's frigid winds
Wail a sorrowful tune as
Icy pellets pirouette
'Neath a lucid moon.
Whirling on windowsills
To a standing ovation.



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