Amber Friend


Amber Friend

This body has grown weary, my lying amber friend,
Of idle promise, on only you I can depend.
I realize your golden glow is not what it seems
Yet allow you to drown all my hopes and all my dreams.

I turn to you for solace of my woeful, lonely mind;
Do I honestly believe in you comfort I will find?
Night after night, I stray to deceitful, open arms
Blinded momentarily by your chromatic charms.

What was life before we met? I'm sure I laughed and loved,
Memories before into your bottle, life I shoved.
Momentary glimpses of happier days gone by
Swallowed all too quickly by your colored, sparkling lies.

Our rendezvous are obvious to family and friends,
Who merely turn their heads; no problem they pretend.
Won't someone look beyond these hazy windows of my eyes
And deliver this crumbled, pleading soul before it dies?

Alas, you'll be the only ally left to bury me.
Mourning for an instant, then dancing with abandoned glee
As you sidle up close against your next favorite friend,
Till to the depths of hell their own mortality descends.