Signed, With Love From Mom



Never despair of catching your star,
Nor lose vision of mystical dreams.
Although sometimes promise seems afar,
Strive to capture the elusive beams.

And when your star is within grasp,
Then swept away by stormy cloud,
Don't let your spirit lock like a clasp.
Search for the silver lining unbowed.

Always hum to the song in your heart,
Tho' somedays a little off key.
Ne'er let hope in your soul depart...
Trust, you can be who you want to be.

Offer your heart to all you may meet.
Some may break, but others will mend.
Bitter sprinkled with sugar flavors sweet,
Adversity will sever foe from friend.

Marvel at sunrises, rainbows and love,
As no one is promised tomorrow.
Cherish those close as a gift from above,
Treasured moments are lost, not borrowed.

Always hum to the song in your heart,
Tho' somedays a little off key.
Ne'er let hope in your soul depart...
Trust, you can be who you want to be.

Remember, life is just the first stage,
A rehearsal for what will follow.
So, as your script turns page after page,
Let no performance feel bogus or hollow.

Compose an epitaph through your years,
While still time to efface before
Lyrics scribed in granite, amidst tears,
Sing melodic phrase to exist evermore.

Always hum to the song in your heart,
Tho' somedays a little off key.
Ne'er let hope in your soul depart...
Trust, you can be who you want to be.

Copyright 2002 by Kathleen




This is dedicated to my beautiful, sweet daughter, Melissa, who graduates May, 2003. I pray she will always hum to the song in her heart and be blessed with faith, health, happiness and love!!!

Table Of Contents


"Precious" midi arranged by David W. Folsom
