<BGSOUND SRC="omen/myst2.mid" LOOP="INFINITE"> ~*~ OphidiansOmen ~*~


Ophidian's Omen
Admiring her beauty, the goddess gazed into the lake
And pleasured at the thought of all the hearts that she would break,
As her own was clayed of stone in which love would never dwell.
She held no inner radiance, only skin-deep to cast her spell.

A serpent slithered through the water stirring quite a ripple
Which warped her lovely vision, causing it to stipple.
Viper curled on sun-drenched rock as goddess began cursing,
“Be off you slimy snake for my hex I am rehearsing”.

The ophidian merely hissed, “Your glory shall not endure long,
As outer beauty fades with years, if heart possesses no song
To sing throughout troubled times that will be sent your way.
Heed my message, lady, as years upon your face will prey”.

Goddess of icy heart dismissed serpent’s appeal
And her perfection over years, as foretold time did steal.
With no music echoing within, beauty thus did fade
To rippled reflection on lake that serpent had displayed.

Yes, ‘tis said that beauty is in the eye of the beholder
Yet over time mirrored reflections do grow gray and older.
So, compose a melody within your heart as time evolves
To resound inner magic when outer wrapping doth dissolve.

By Kathleen

© Copyright 2003