Sakura's Song By Sailor Serenity

Chapter 1

  A princess sat by the window in a beautiful palace. She stared out at the garden, at the cherry blossoms, humming a tune. The cherry blossoms had always seemed
magical to her. Even in now, in January, the tree was still covered in them.
    "Sakura?" Queen Hotaru entered her room. "I've sent out the invitations."
    Princess Sakura stopped humming. "Who did you send invitations to?"
    "The Crown Princes and Princesses and their parents, the Queens and Kings. Neo-Queen Serenity, Neo-King Endymion and Princess Rini will even be here."
    Princess Sakura turned back to the window. The winter wind blew in through the window.
    "How are you so sure anyone will even come?" Princess Sakura didn't have many friends, even though she was a princess. She'd met the other Princes and Princesses once before, but didn't really make friends with them.
    "What makes you say that, Sakura? I'm sure they will show up. Why wouldn't they?"
    "I don't know. Why would they show up?"
    "Well, Sakura, they're your friends, aren't they? They're all really sweet Sakura. They'll show up."
    Princess Rini was standing on the balcony, staring out at Crystal Tokyo. Neo-Queen Serenity walked into her room.
    "Good morning, Small Lady," she said. Rini smiled at the sound of her nickname. Her dream was to be a real lady like her mother, and a wonderful queen someday.
    "Good morning," Rini replied.
    "Something came for you yesterday, Rini." Neo-Queen Serenity handed her an envelope. Rini opened it and read the card inside.
    "It's an invitation," Rini said. "An invitation to Princess Sakura of Saturn's birthday ball." She handed the card to her mother.
    "Well, you may attend the ball. I will let Queen Hotaru know immediately."
    "Your Royal Highness, you have a phone call," the servant, who was standing at the door, said to Rini. Rini went over to the phone on her table and picked it up.
    "Hi, Rini, it's Leah." Leah was the Crown Princess of Jupiter, Queen Makoto's daughter.
    "Hi, Leah! Guess what? Pr-"
    "Princess Sakura's having a royal ball on her birthday, yeah, are you going?" Leah interrupted Rini.
    "Yes. I'm going to wear my favorite white dress, with the pink and gold trim. What are you wearing?"
    "My light green dress, and pink rose earings, the ones that match my mother's. I picked it out just this morning."
    "Wow, cool. That dress is really pretty. What are you getting Sakura for her birthday?"
    "I don't know yet. What about you?"
    Before Rini could answer, the servant returned to the room. "Your Majesty, Queen Minako of Venus has arrived with her daughter, Her Royal Highness Princess Melina."
    "Oh good. Come, Rini. We have visitors. You may call Princess Leah back this evening." Neo-Queen Serenity waited for Rini to get off the phone. Then she and Rini walked down the staircase to meet with Queen Minako and Princess Melina.
    In the distance, a sweet tune was heard, coming from the direction of the Saturn Palace. Princess Sakura sat alone in her room, Queen Hotaru listened to the song.
She couldn't help but think it had a faint sad tone to it. The humming slowly faded and Princess Sakura began to cry.
    In a memory, Princess Sakura was sitting in the courtyard of the private school she attended. She spotted someone she knew and walked over to see if she could play with her.
    "Hi guys, can I play?"
    "No Sakura. Oh, excuse me, Princess. We're not good enough for you, remember?"
    "I-I never said that."
    The group of girls walked away, leaving Sakura alone.
    "Hey kid, you okay?" Someone walked up to Sakura. Sakura recognized Princess Melody of Neptune. Melody recognized the Saturn princess. "Princess Sakura? What's the matter?"
    "None of these kids want to even be within a mile of me. They think I think I'm too good for them."
    "They're just jealous because you're a real princess."
    For the rest of the school year, Melody was Sakura's friend, but, now, she had moved on to high school, Sakura was alone again.
    Sakura shook her head, trying to clear the awful memory. She wiped the tears from her cheeks. Now, it was going to be her 13th birthday, and she thought no one would even come. Sakura began humming the song again. It was her favorite, it always helped cheer her up, the sweet, but sad sounding tune. But it didn't help today.
    Queen Hotaru watched sadly from the half open door.
