Sakura's Song By Sailor Serenity

Chapter 4

      "The weather matches my mood," Sakura commented, standing out on the balcony under a gray sky. The air smelled of rain. She stared up at the sky and then
looked down at the cherry blossoms. Then she turned and went inside.
    At the Tokyo Palace, Rini was looking out the window, hoping that it wouldn't rain. Just then, Mrs. Moore came in.
    "You have a phone call, but try not to stay on too long, we have to go pick up your present for Princess Sakura."
    "Okay." Rini went over and picked up the phone. "Hello?"
    "Hey, Rini! My mom, Queen Rei says she feels strange energy in the rain clouds. She thinks something bad might happen. And I'm starting to think so too." Princess Kayla said sounding worried.
    "Strange rain clouds? Are you sure?"
    "Yes. My mom can sense these things."
    "Well, we have to go to Sakura's party. No matter what."
    "Maybe they'll postpone it?" Kayla suggested.
    "If they don't, you'll still go, right?"
    "Kayla! Think how lonely it will be for her! How would you feel if no one showed up for your birthday party?"
    "Rini, I didn't say I wouldn't go. I-"
    "You sounded like you were gonna say that, though. I don't care, I'm going."
    "Rini, Mrs. Moore is waiting to take you to pick up the music box." Neo-Queen Serenity entered the room.
    "Rini, I have to get off the phone. Melina's expecting me over at the North Wing."
    "I have to go, too. Bye!"
    Queen Rei sat in the fire room, in front of the flames. She closed her eyes in concentration. Suddenly, a vision of disaster came to her. A disaster at the Saturn Palace. The flames roared higher as the vision became more clear, but then, suddenly died down.
    Sakura sat on a chair in her room. Looking in the mirror, she put her tiara on carefully. When she got it on straight, she got up and went over to the balcony. She didn't go out on it though, since the rain started to pour. She stood by the door, humming her song.
    "It doesn't feel like any special day," Sakura said to herself.
    She took out the locket Peruru had given her. "I wish he'd come back," she said. "Then, it wouldn't feel so lonely around here."
    After Rini had come back from picking up the music box, she took out her friendship bracelets and put half in the music box for Sakura. She wrapped it with the special wrapping paper she'd picked out, decorated with cherry blossoms. Serenity and Endymion walked into the main room, where Rini was wrapping the gift.
    "I hope the rainstorm doesn't ruin the ball," Serenity said, walking toward one of the windows.
    "I hope not," Rini said. "Princess Sakura would be so upset."
    "Maybe the rain will stop soon," Endymion said hopefully.
    "Princess Kayla said Queen Rei of Mars is having visions and strange feelings about the storm."
    "Rei always gets visions, and most of the time she's right. Especially about strange energy." Serenity said, still looking out the window. She turned to Endymion, worried.
    "If we don't go, Princess Sakura will be all alone on her birthday. I don't want her to be lonely." Rini said.
    In a dark demension, evil laughter was heard.
    "We will complete what Mother could not finish. Those Sailor Scouts will pay."
    "Yes. It should be a lot easier. I'm sure we can succeed."
    "It won't be that easy. We have to find the right kind of energy to restore this place."
    "Don't question my thoughts!"
    "Sorry, Majesty." A shadowed figure bowed to the new Queen.
    "Sakura?" Queen Hotaru came in.
    "Hi. Um, I was wondering. May I perform a song at the ball tonight?"
    "Well, I don't see why not. That would be wonderful." Hotaru smiled. "What song?"
    "I'm still deciding."
    "Well, okay. Is anything else wrong?"
    "No, nothing." Sakura shook her head.
    "Are you sure?"
    "Nothing's wrong, I'm fine."
    Queen Hotaru left the room. She went into the ballroom, to make sure everything was perfect. The guests would be arriving soon.
    "Queen Minako and King Andrew of Venus with their daughter, Crown Princess Melina; Queen Rei and King Chad of Mars with their daughter, Crown Princess Kayla, and son Crown Prince Mathew; Queen Makoto and King Ken of Jupiter with their daughter, Crown Princess Leah; and Queen Ami and King Greg with their daughter Crown Princess Amanda," the servant announced. The Royalty of the Inner Planets were meeting in the main room of the palace. Then, together, they would all go to the Saturn Palace for the ball.
    "The rain looks as if it's getting worse. It doesn't look like we'll be going anywhere for a while." Endymion announced sadly to the crowd.
    "We have to go! Sakura will be alone on her birthday if we don't!" Rini shouted.
    "Rini! Do not shout like that, we can't help what the weather is like. I'm sure the rain will let up soon." Neo-Queen Serenity said.
    Meanwhile, Sakura brought a CD to her mother. "This is what I want to sing at the ball."
    "Okay," Hotaru smiled. "Everyone should be here soon. The grand ballroom is set up perfectly."
    "Okay." Sakura began to think things might turn out good after all.
    "Our plan is perfect. This girl has just the right energy we need. We will accomplish our great mision much sooner than I thought," an image of Sakura appeared in the crystal ball. "Amethyst!"
    "Yes, Your Majesty?"
    "Be ready, it's almost time to launch our plan into action."
    "Yes, Your Majesty."
    "No one's coming," Sakura said to herself. "I knew it. We shouldn't have even bothered throwing a party."
    "I say we go!" Rini suggested. She was getting impatient with the weather. "Sakura's probably waiting for us to get there, but we aren't there, we're here because of the stinkin' rain!"
    "She does have a point," Leah said. She stood up with Rini. "What are we waiting for, a new millennium? Let's go already!"
    "Yeah!" the other princesses stood up. Rini felt good knowing that the other princesses thought she was right and would back her up when she needed them.
    "Well, I guess we could go now," Endymion agreed. "The rain does seem as if it's letting up."
    "Rainy day man, on your shoulder I cried when my first brush with love-"
    "Sakura?" Queen Hotaru interrupted Sakura. Sakura quickly stopped the music when her mother came in.
    "Yes?" she asked.
    "Your guests should be arriving soon."
    "No one's coming, I know it."
    "Sakura, don't be silly. They'll be here. The rain just slowed them down."
    "Your Majesty, the guests are here." The maid interrupted.
    "Oh good. See Sakura? I knew they'd be here." Hotaru left the room to greet the guests.
