Nannar's Love

3/16/02:  I did some things to the My Friends page.  I hope that it shows up better now.  And I started talking about my other, can't leave her out now can I?

3/10/02:  Fixed my original stories page.  Had to put a disclaimer up.  Added Chapter 2 to Selena's New Job.  Also started adding my GW yaoi fic Guardian. I think that's all I did.....

3/09/02:  Oh my God, its almost been a month?!  Where the hell did the time go?  Oh well, I've decided to add another section to my page.  I think that I want to do some original stories of my own.  Adult content of course, I mean, did you expect anything else from moi?  Finally started the Xenogears portion.

Oh yeah, I forgot, it actually hasn't been a month since I last updated.  I don't remember when, but I updated the My friends section, but I forgot to put that under updates and I also fixed the link to my k-college portfolio.  Gomennasai.  Anyways, enjoy and keep coming back!
Hello and welcome to all.  This is my page, dedicated to all things frivolous and reserved.
Actually, this is a page about my favorite things:
Persona aka Megami Tensei
Final Fantasy
My friends
Original Stories and Fan Fictions
Seeing as how I spend half of my life talking on AIM and on the internet, you are more than welcome to talk to me.  Besides, I like making new friends, especially with people of the same interests.  Ahhh, here are the various ways of contacting me:

Via AIM screennames-
Currently, I am a blossoming ichinensei (freshmen) at Kalamazoo College.  Considering the workload here, I'm not actually blossoming but I'm aspiring too.  I like college a lot.  Everyone here is really cool and I appreciate them all very much. I'm a Chemistry major, the greatest major on the planet, (except for history, physics, health sciences, English- I can only agree with history)......also I doing a history minor, japanese minor and or East Asian concentration , and a biochemistry concentration.  And if I could, I would minor in music, computer programming, and physics, but that's just toooo damn much.  And I would DIE.  So for now, I will just stress myself out over this.