Submitted on: June 30, 2003
Submitted by: serena wolf
Site Type: otaku senshi
Site Reviewer: Tsuchi
Overall Site Score: 6

Creativity: Well since this is an OTAKU senshi site, there should be a lot creativity not only in the site but also in the created senshi. Well your profiles are somewhat run of the mill, but the name of the senshi are somewhat orginal considering you put the word "Pure" in front of each. =) I've seen it somewhere else but not for a whole team of senshi. Currently I'm wondering what a "Keeper" is...and what they do...the villains seem rather normal to me...but I like how the guardians aren't all cats. ^^ Now...why does Chad have a team? You created theme songs? Nice. In the "Fun Stuff" section I like the idea of the bloopers. Very original, never seen something like that before. But one thing make sure you credit the creator of the pony bases (Angy-chan @ because I do believe she has a policy about it... Other then that I can tell you put a lot thought in what you want to put up, some of which I haven't seen before.

Info: Well since this is an OTAKU senshi site, there should be a lot creativity not only in the site but also in the created senshi. Well your profiles are somewhat run of the mill, but the name of the senshi are somewhat orginal considering you put the word "Pure" in front of each. =) I've seen it somewhere else but not for a whole team of senshi. Currently I'm wondering what a "Keeper" is...and what they do...the villains seem rather normal to me...but I like how the guardians aren't all cats. ^^ Now...why does Chad have a team? You created theme songs? Nice. In the "Fun Stuff" section I like the idea of the bloopers. Very original, never seen something like that before. But one thing make sure you credit the creator of the pony bases (Angy-chan @ because I do believe she has a policy about it... Other then that I can tell you put a lot thought in what you want to put up, some of which I haven't seen before.

Graphics: A rather typical thing for most people who create otaku senshi is to take images of the existing senshi and re-color their eyes, hair, and clothing. Only thing is these images weren't edited well ^^;. Because of this, and the fact that most people in the otaku senshi community don't enjoy this editing of existing BSSM art, I suggest that you draw or find someone to draw your created senshi for you. And I realize that you have a lot of created characters... But having them drawn will give your site a more personal and creative touch if you do. Not to mention people have seen BSSM images over and over again and can possibly identify the original senshi quite easily *this includes the reviewer*. Moving on... Oh dear god...the gallery section X_x Fake thumbnails galore. You should either switch to text links (with descriptions) or make real thumbnails. (I believe we do have a section that explains how...) Otherwise a rather fast-loading site

Technical: To start of for this section, on your splash page the text is centered on the page but the image isn't. ^^;; Looking at your page source the best thing to do to fix it is to put the text in the table you created under the image that way every thing looks uniform (You may also want to center the table on the page itself as well) Entering the main page I see the site is done in frames, although not mentioned on the splash. You may want to do that since splash pages act as a warning to visitors as to what they can expect. In the menu frame you may either want to shrink the text to a smaller size or make the frame size larger (as in taller) so that it doesn't scroll, because it looks bad and unprofessional. When I looked at the profiles I noticed that the type jumps between Times New Roman and another font. It's very important that you keep one font through you entire site for consistency. I'm finding some spelling/grammar mistakes so you want to re-read what you've written. (You know, there, their, and they're; where capitals go; etc...) Ack...The scroll bar keeps changing color. X_x Consistency is your friend... =D

Overall: The in-depth profiles were good and there were some creative things to do, but the various inconsistencies and the fake thumbnails were bad. This site isn't bad, but there still is a lot of work needed, so a 6 is given.