
On everyone:

Their fukus are white with selected areas in different colors. They have shoes like Sailor Venus, except they are laced up to their knees. Their tops are cut off right above their stomachs. It is connected by two ribbons crossing across the stomach to their skirt. The skirt is silver and isn’t in a ripple form like the other Sailor Senshi. Instead of a bow, they have white, semi-large wings that is held by a triangle. The triangle is the element of the senshi. The back is made of two triangles pointing towards each other and are held by a small hook. Their gloves cover only their hands and some of the wrists. The tip for the fingers are cut off. They wear a silver cuff link on their left hand and pull a sword out of a jewel on it. Their hair are always in different ponytail styles, when in senshi form. They also have a silver tiara with a jewel in the middle. Their chokers are the color of their shoes and have their triangle symbol in the middle. They also have an oval accessory, that is the same jewel on their cufflink, for their hair.

Sailor Star Wind- The cloth covering her shoulder is a blue(#DDF7FF) that is lighter than her hair(#DAEEFC). Her shoes are of the same color. The triangle is a regular one with a wavy line going through the top and it’s the same color as her hair. Her gloves are the same color as her shoulder cloth. The jewels she wears is a moonstone. Her ponytail is a regular one put high above her head with two flat rolls(like Maron from Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne) on each side.

Sailor Star Earth-
Her shoulder cloth is a *nice* light green(#C0FFC0) and so are her shoes and gloves. Her triangle is upside down with a straight line through the peak. Her jewel is the sapphire. She has a ponytail on the back of her head and it is looped to look like tear drops.

Sailor Star Fire- Her shoulder cloth is a slightly pale red(#F74B4B), as well as her shoes and gloves. Her triangle is a regular one. She wears an jade stone on her cuff link and tiara. Her ponytail is on the left side of her head, in a braid with her hair shaped like a ring around the top of it(think of it as a braid going through a small donut ^_^;;).

Sailor Star Water-
Her shoulder cloth, shoes and gloves are semi-bright blue(#23D1EB). She has an upside down triangle. She carries the jade on her cuff and tiara. Her ponytail is the same as Sailor Star Fire, except it is on her right side.

Sailor Star Spirit-
The fifth senshi’s shoulder cloth, shoes and gloves are a light purple/ lavender (#EADEF4). Her symbol is a hollow pentagram also know as a star with visible lines. This is the same color as her other accessories. Her cufflink carries the amethyst. Her hair is in odango shape, with the same stone forming a crescent moon as a hair ornament.