blech! *gags* yum! yum!


The Katakana Asylum: A Figment of Fantasy





July 8, 2001- Whew! So many fics today! Awright! I have one from tyrnej, ShadowLeopard, Miko no da, Bad Kitsune, Rina, Sayuri-tama, Samuraiheart So many, ne? ^^;

-Arazhi's hilarious fic, The Engagement is already up! Find out what Hiei's reaction would be if he learns that Kuwabara finally proposes to Yukina!

I also have my Untitled fic in here! Finally got the nerve to post it up! It's a sequel to Entangled Pasts and I dare you to read it!

Hn! Welcome! Don't try anything funny! Just click on!


my musings


true unreality



<view/sign gb



 Disclaimers: Weib Kreuz, YYH, RK belong to their respective creators, Takehito Koyasu, Togashi-sama and Nobuhiro Watsuki! This is just a li'l ol' harmless fic archive!!!

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thank's for coming... i guess???


Webmistress: Reiko
April 27,2001
Backgrounds: Parisukat