Hello Visitor (10 million +) !
My name is Michael Walsh.

Until 1996 I lived in Rome, Italy. Now I have returned to work as a missionary in Taraba State in northeastern Nigeria. I am a Catholic priest and a member of the Irish Province of the Order of St. Augustine.

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Augustinian 1999 Calendar (with Augustinian feastdays and complete Sunday and daily Mass readings).

About . . .
. . . getting married in Rome, (and how to contact St. Patrick's),
. . . me - a friar on a bike in the Sahara,
. . . low-resolution photos from Africa.
. . . rough road driving tips,
. . . the Irish Augustinians in Rome

and worldwide
. . . the Order of Saint Augustine:
English; Espaņol; Deutsch.
. . . the Augustinians in the U.S.A.
. . . Irish colleges, or seminaries in Rome,
. . . arriving at Rome's Fiumicino airport,
. . . Search Engines
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I began building this site in March, 1996. The counter reached 10 million in February 1999. As you can see I have had another few visitors since then. Welcome, one and all! The page was last modified on March 20, 1999.
biking, desert, Augustine, Augustinian, Fiumicino Airport, Ireland, Irish, Irlandese, Italy, marry, Nigeria, Papal Audience, St. Patrick, Rome, Sahara, Villanova, Wedding, Michael Walsh, Africa, Algeria, American, Australia, Italia, United States, Catholic, Church, College, Collegio, friar, friary, God, Hippo, mission, missionary, motorcycle, Order, OSA, priests, priory, Sunday Mass, engine, Moto Guzzi, tips, Honda, mechanical, Urdaneta, Rita