Welcome to my home page. You are visitor number Counter since 1st May 1997
I have just bought a Robin Hood Series III kit. These pages will contain Robin Hood info, and a diary of my kit car build, updated as often as I have time and something to say.

What's new in the last update (3 November 1997)

What you get in the kit

What you don't get in the kit

Building the kit

Various reference documents Weber selection, cams, wiring etc.

Links to other kitcar sites and information

Just so you know what I am talking about, this is what the finished article should look like (although I have opted for cycle wings rather than the swept ones)

picture of Robin Hood

Click for larger picture

Any feedback on these pages, suggestions for links, invalid links or anything else please contact me at


I have no connection with Robin Hood Engineering (other than as a customer), and the views expressed here are my own unless otherwise stated.

Robin Hood Engineering can be contacted at
Oxclose Lane
Mansfield Wodehouse
NG19 8DF
Phone +44 (0)1623 422286
Fax +44 (0)1623 422287

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