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The Hornet's Nest

American Motors Corporation (1954-1987)


AMC was formed by the merger of Nash and Hudson in '54 and became part of Chrysler in Aug, '87. . There are many AMC people out there still keeping their cars going, now over 16 years since the last AMC Eagle (1988 model) was built in the fall of 1987. My personal favorites are the Hornet based cars especially the 73-77 Hornets. I currently am driving my '73 Hornet hatchback as my daily driver, while restoring her. (no picture yet)

The Sportabout is my '75 with a 232, three on the tree and overdrive. Of all my cars, this is my favorite. It is undergoing rust repair in my garage at this time. I have really been too busy to do much lately. I am repairing the floor as of now. The picture was taken in 1992 at the Subbase in New London, CT. .

My 78 Gremlin was also undergoing repairs to the normal rust around the tail lights problem in this picture. It is almost ready to paint...white again of course.!!

That's me in the partially dissasembled '72 Gremlin parts car....It was totaled on the passenger side I did drive it around for a while this way. The two subframe pieces in the picture on down the page came from this car.

The '87 Eagle Limited to the right was ordered new by me in Oct. '86. How many of these have you seen with a 5-speed? Yes, I did order the woodgrain delete. She currently has 111,000 miles and only leaves the garage occasionally. I did get a NOS grill in Kenosha in '02.


This '80 Concord DL was rescued from a junkyard. It is a 6cyl. four speed car with dealer installed A/C. I am currently preparing to paint him. The picture was taken June '97 soon after I brought it home. This dependable old car was daily driver for two years to and from Norfolk. Since the speedometer cable was broken, I ended up making the trip in 5 1/2 hours one time. Don't try that one without a radar detector. It is currently being sanded down to paint soon!!!. I am driving an '83 Eagle 5-speed wagon with 319,000 miles in the mean time. This was the one I had at Kenosha 2002.

This is my .."Hornet's Nest" with my '79 Concord DL wagon uncovered. I MIGHT make this car into a '78 Touring wagon, since I now have all the correct parts...I still need the correct NOS trim pieces. (Also saved from a junkyard)

Just a small part of my parts collection. Yes, you really can remove the front sub-frame members. (about 140 spot welds each)

The only way to ensure I will be still driving these cars in thirty years is to buy all the parts I can now. I spent several hundred dollars again this year....THANKS. to all the vendors who came to Kenosha.

Eagle four wheel system drive tech pages.

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We AMC people love and defend our wonderful, unique automobiles. There were over 700 cars at Kenosha in 1998. I was there with my '87 Eagle. I am a member of the AMC List.. see to find out more about the great information available there. I will be doing a major update to this site and have most of the new page finished. There are many more links to other AMC pages in the following links.

These are a few of many AMC sites:

American Motors Owners Association

My local car club in Charleston, SC ..The Lowcountry Mopars

We have a big show each year Columbus day weekend and there is an AMC class. Bring your car and show it with pride. I will sponser the AMC class trophys again this year. Hope to see YOU there.

My favorite cars are AMC,s..... But my favorite TYPE... The Station Wagon        
Jeff Denison
AMO # 5236
E-mail me at

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This American Motors Net Ring site is owned by
Jeff Denison

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