Atlantis: The Location of Atlantean Remains, C.C. M. Hardy


Although the Azore Islands have been indicated as the resting mountain of Atlantis not much finds have been found at that location outside of Egyptian, or Carthage monuments. The earth was washed clean was the theory of this article. If the water of the ocean receded to the poles and came back to the center of the Atlantic the back draw effect, and the forward rush effect would have spread debris for thousands of miles in opposite directions. This would explain the deposit of debris not at the mountian tops, or much above the upper ridge shelf but sent to the trenches and some of the deepest parts of the ocean to settle at some valley bottom. With the volcanic activity much of the debris sent in the lower portions of the mountains would be covered with mud and pumice on a large scale. Off the Azores the mud was found to be by volcanic origin 30-50 deep under the Azores bays. The water whirling around eventually the density of objects will rest in a certain order in the center of a bucket. This location implied is the Nare's Deep at the center of the Atlantic Bucket where Atlantis material will be found 22,000 Feet down and buried under several hundred feet of mud. The New World or America's H.S. Bellamy felt held the clues that Spain and Egypt may in a weak sense provide i.e. Cuicuilco is the sight

That he felt was maybe an Atlantean Colony. The story Plato gives is that the Atlanteans fought a battle in Greece on their own soil. The soldiers that perished may still be buried underwater near this region. Close to the entrance to Piraeus is a small rocky Islet called, Atalanta by the ancients and called today Talanto. In a Fjord of Euboea there is an Island called Atalanta by the ancients and the locals call Talandosi. On the mainland of Euboea a village by the ancients called Atalanta, and locals Talanti. Bellamy felt near these spots is the Atlantean remains.

In Literary Monologue- the editor P. I. Pearce mentions in the Azores a Cro-Magnon Skull, rock inscriptions, several caves, an 800 meter tunnel all of which needed to be explored for possible information. Also, the two Phoenician coins found and the equestrian statue of a figure on a horse-pointing north at the Azores before the first modern European explorers

arrived there.

Sunken Lands near the Azores- Capt. R. Dahl

Between the Foyal, Azores and Abaco half two tree quarters of the way across while he was looking at the ships propellers he was lying flat on the deck looking at the sea waters. The sun was high and sea was calm he could see deep down in the water. He spotted while drifting along a large flat area and then several more patches some large and small were sighted under the surface of the ocean. He noticed the ocean bed there was only 90-100 meters deep down. The area was not known to the Hydrographic Institute to have been sightable from the surface. This is as if the land had rose overnight?

In Atlantis Und Atlantik by Hans Pettersson 1948

This book mentions that if a 4,000 feet drop of the Atlantic Ocean would produce three land masses in the center. The first a peninsular stretching southwards from the land bridge connecting Canada and Britian via Greenland of which the peaks of this are the Azores.

The second is a relatively small Island centered around what is now the St. Paul Islands.

The third and largest stretching as far south as the Falklands and having Tristan da Cunha

as its main peak. At the same time the present Caribbean Sea was an inland Lake, and the Mediterranean was separated by the Atlantic by a strip of land 100 miles wide.





 An Asteroid as possible cause of the Atlantis Catastrophe, Prof. N. Boneff



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