1963 cont. and ends

In this Journal E. Sykes discusses 'The Piri Reis Map' in 1963 it is not included in full on this page but I will hint at the main jist- The Piri Reis map was formed before 621 A.D. as well as the Onoteus Finaeus Map, and it preceded with its information before the destruction of the Great Library of Alexander in 641 A.D. by invading groups, or people. There was a slight slump in navigation evidence of maps in the periods between 201 A.D. and till at least the 1099-1154 A.D. with the Barbary Coast sailors and geographers uprisings. The Romans were known as Cock Crow sailors mostly sailing along coasts, yet occasionally blown off course? "I have always assumed that any knowledge of navigation shown by the Arabs ceased entirely on the information looted from the Library of Alexandria. A fact which is confirmed by the rapid falling off of any standards of Arab seamanship-as opposed to coastmanship- shown by subsequent generations. There is always a faint possibility that some documents of this nature came into the hands of Columbus after the sacking by the inquisition of the Islamic places of learning in Spain only a scant ten years before 1497." But he goes onto say-" Also the fact that the Piri Reis Map came from the other end of the Mediterranean is against this supposition."

"Where do we go from here? The first point to be considered is that the people who made the map or maps, may not have been master mariners who used them. It seems reasonably clear that the mathematics and calculations came form a school of geography in Alexandria, which lasted for nearly five hundred years, and which included such eminent people as: Anaximander (550 B.C.), Eudoxus of Cuidus (B.C. 366), Hecataeus of Abdera (B.C. 320), Hecataeus of Miletus (B.C. 500), Pytheas of Massalia (B.C. third century), Scylax of Carianda (B.C. 350), Strato (B.C. 288), Timagetus (date uncertain) the author of the book of harbours, Pharoah Necho who ordered that Africa be circumnavigated in B.C. 600." He mentions Thales of Miletus as one of the originators of the Piri Reis map style of calculations and who did visit Library of Alexandria. He also mentions that the Phoenicans of some form may be the culprit in the information about land forms and that the full retreat of the Antarctica Ice was in a retreat stage when the map used its outline which would be almost 6,000 B.C.? Anaximander, a disciple of Thales, made a map of the world which was referred to by Herodotus- or it may have been a bronze copy of the original." He goes on to say that Asiatic Turkey has the greasiest chance of surfacing newly found or re-found rare ancient maps.

BC 3000 Phoenicians reach Mediterranean, Amber trade routes functioning.

BC 1700 Uprise of Minoan Civilization, linear A script

BC 1400 Fall of Knossos

BC 1230 Etruscans attack Egypt by Sea

BC 1200 Argonauts return home

BC 1100 Phoenician colony Utica. Trade route opened to Tartessos and Neibla.

BC 970 Solomon makes treaty with Hiram to exploit rivers of Pharwan, Ophir, and Apira, providing 3,000 workers.

BC 814 Dido founds Carthage

BC 660 Phoenician ships in Gulf of Kiao Chau, China (Terrien de LaCouperie)

BC 350 Date of Carthaginian coin found on Corvo.Azores, and Equestrian statue erected on Corvo, Azores Islands.

The Wheel Turns Full Circle, Egerton Sykes, (A brief Summary)

Sykes mentions the kind of language in the times of Atlantis, "whatever languages they spoke they did not belong to the Aryan group, from which they had a completely different grammatical structure. In Europe traces of this remain in Basque, were formerly present in Etruscan, and still persist in certain Caucasian languages. In America some of the Amazon Basin tribes appear to go in this direction. As the structure of language effects the manner of thinking it may logically be assumed that the outlook of these peoples was completely different from anything now existing. Neither better nor worse, just different. For that reason our efforts to understand what they were about are likely to be both slow and frustrating." He then talks about their second mode of communication, and that is by sea in boats or sailing vessels which may be indicated by lost versions of boats or rafts or petroglyphs. He mentions as far as land communication in the South and Central America the wheel was not unknown but not used due to a possible myths and taboos imposed to not use the technology? The in one Mayan version has the wheel as a jaguar that rolls out of control once set in motion. He mentions that air transportation was high probable, but that our technological idea of air travel employed today are different then how they did this then like using harmonics or resonance. He notes about Atlantis religion which I feel should be strongly noted:

"Sun was an important deity is obvious, that serpents and lions, both winged and unwinged formed a part of the religion is known. There was a goddess of fertility who was probably older than the male gods; in any case the Sun was female at about this time and the Moon Masculine." We may want to reconsider that Venus was once a man and Mars may have once been a woman in this light of political religious reversals? "The ritual background, although obscure, may be taken as being akin to that of witchcraft with covens of a leader plus dozen followers, a practice adopted by the early Christian Church." I.e. Jesus with 12 apostles as a coven (covenant). "Conditions were rough and hard and so was religion and state life." I.e. smaller religious units were established, or hermitages sometimes involving snake and sea creature gnomic worship. "However, it would seem that the extremely debased sexual religion of modern India found no place anywhere, this being merely a result of an endevour to substitute the Mother Goddess by male fertility gods. Fortunately it appears to be only a local phenomenon." The exception is art found of Mayas and the degraded switching of fertility god rites in New Guinea from a Female to Male control i.e. the Low and High Maki (but is started by a female in ceremony beginnings). The

Racial characteristics: Post-Lemuria Pacific- Large ears, square faces on one hand and on the other hand another group ugly , short, and squat stature, found all over Asia and the Pacific. These are similar to the stories of the Honduras Pygmy People (which Olmec came in contact with from the Atlantic and the ancient Chinese from the Pacific noted), and the stories of pygmies' in Indonesia regions as well.

Post Atlantis Atlantic- Tall, slight, relatively good looking with sloping foreheads, long noses, small ears, small well formed feet. Their skins were less pigmented then the Long Ear race. Found in North, Central, and South America Brazil Basin and Peru. They are called by Sykes a Atlantic Culture (scientists call the Lost Ancient Maritime Culture). "The last race to picture examples of this race were the Egyptians and the Etruscans in Europe and the Mayas and Aztecs in Mexico". In some cases the Basques, and of the Caucasians. The members of this Atlantic Maritime Culture were mostly RH factor negative blood type, and Mitochondria of a X factor one of the rarest found in Western European, and North American Indian groups!! It would now be helpful in light of blood types to see if a skull or skeletal remains have physical patterns of similarity and in distribution. This might help to distinguish the great Caucasian migration across Libya and Egypt into Spain being separate from a earlier movement??? Webmaster (his own theory of discovery ) proposes this former statement to science community for the first time ever made by possibly anyone as of April 18th, 2002.

Method of transcribing ideas- "the first efforts at writing were confined to means of identification. A child would wear an amulet showing the Sign of the Zodiac (whatever kind) under which it was born, the sigil of the church to which it belonged, etc. This would be followed by "Chops" stamped on objects to identify the owner, as with sheep and cattle. An elementary system of enumeration would follow. But here came the split. The Glyphs, which include the scripts of the Chinese, the Egyptians, the Mayas and Aztecs, etc., represented a series of unnecessary complications in transmitting ideas, in that only the initiated could manage to read them, and even then the chances of inaccuracy were fairly large. But this type of system is the one that was in use at the time of the catastrophe, a fact which would imply that we have little, if any chance of ever finding any inscription or document likely to be helpful to our research." Sykes mentions that if this is the case then a very advanced from of writing was established by the end not the beginning of Atlantis, and that with the technologies lost or some scientists, the knowledge to produce a more complicated system had been cut short before the advent of the transmission via not walls or mud tablets but of paper. The mud tablets in a sense may have been commemorative out of the memory of catastrophe by writing down the flood story and rations conditions of counting days for food before it ran out on the very mud that came from the inundation???

Monetary-was not based on gold or silver tokens, it was based on the value to value of traded goods themselves, or some kind of labor for a certain goods. This is why there is speculation that the coin in the owl vase P. Schliemann claimed is probably not a Atlantis coinage, but more likely a sigil attached to the owl totem itself if anything prehistorically realistic thus so far? For this reason if we are talking about Crete and coins we are not talking about Plato's Atlantis, if we are talking about the Atlanteans using gold and silver as if it were expendable to make walls lined with them. And if we are talking about a Cretan Villages that as of yet do not show that degree of solid gold wall lining even counting Santorini Island? There is more gold and silver to be had on the Western Europe side or West African side combined then Ethiopia, Crete even in its hay day of metal collections would be minor in comparison.

Who were the Telchines? E. Sykes

In the classical records of the post catastrophe period the Telchines tend to play an important part. This race of artificers, artists and magicians, connected with the sea at every stage in their history, were entrusted by rhea with the upbringing of Poseidon, which they accomplished with the aid of Caphiera, the daughter of Oceanus. Another version says that Rhea accompanied then to Crete from Rhodes, where nine of the Telchines (Nine Muses?), known as the Curetes, were selected to bring up Zeus. We have the names of twelve of them: Antaeus, Argyron, Atabyrius, Chalcon, Chryson, Hormenius, Lycus, Megalesius, Mylas, Nicon, Simon, and Zenob. The only female known was Caphiera, mentioned above, which shows that Oceanus was linked to the Telchines. They were said to have been destroyed by the flood. They were skilled metal workers in brass and iron, and made a trident for Poseidon and a Sickle for Chronus, both ceremonial weapons. They could bring about hailstorms, snow, and rain at will, and produced a mixture of stygian water and sulfur, which killed animals and plants. Their habits has been variously given on most of the islands of the Eastern Mediterranean, but this may perhaps be due to the desire of the Greeks to fit them into their own mythology. Has any reader additional information on this interesting group of technologists?

Atlantis-The Situation As We Now See It, E. Sykes 1964 begins



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