World Artcar Day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2001 an Artcar Odyssey!
w h e r e
the CARS  ARE....November 3 2001
In honor of the year (2001) and the famous movie we ask that participants consider making their event somewhat of an Odyssey.
Maybe have a few tests to complete- things to bring to the event/collect or a journey to make.....Perhaps someway reference the
movie is as usual all up to you. Plan ahead and keep us posted. Click here to e.mail us.
Cars are listed by state. Visit them on the web by clicking on their links! Write them e.mail and tell them you are going to visit!  Look who took part in our show in 1999! click here.    For our show of 2000 click here
Be sure to check at the main page for last minute details before you set out
Click Here to go there.    To find directions go here(click) and enter the address and zip code.
On the left find the name of the car. In the center find the location on November 6 on the right is the web page or image link  and or e.mail of the car/artist
Car Name/Times Location Contact/View Images
Linthicum near BWI Airport
Baltimore Artcars
/Magnet Truck -maybe others...
-all day/night! 
We will have the lights
on for you!
402 Nancy Ave. 
Linthicum Maryland 21090 
click to e.mail
Click for web images etc...
Questions- click here  To return to the main page click here


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