
Who We Are

Charles "Pop" Cessna is the car owner. He is recognized state-wide because he fields good car, is a true gentleman, and friend of the sport. He also fields the best BarBQ around that attracts every chow-hound in the region (especially the low-rent Rolo brothers).

Fran "Chickenhawk" Collins is our driver. Rumor has it "He can drive his and beat yours, or drive yours and beat his."

David "Grasshopper" Collins is the crew-chief and negotiator of the bunch. He tries to keep Fran out of trouble and alive. So far, he's 50% successful.

Jamie "Maverick" LaBuff is chiefly assistant and  acts as a buffer between Fran and Grasshopper.

Tina Collins is the financial advisor. As Fran's wife, she probably deserves her own page.

Pete "Mr. Pete" Hill is the safety  and health department.He keeps Fran in his uniform and helmet. (we won't mention what happened when Fran went out with only a shirt and helmet).

Ronny Nash is "THE MAN". He is the heart and soul of the crew. And the one that makes stuff work, work better, and perform well.


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