About Me

As you can already tell I'm a huge fan of Jeff Gordon!! This is one of my favorite photo's of Jeff Gordon!! Go Jeff Gordon and Refuse to Lose!! Here is some of info about me!! I also like Kevin Harvick and Clint Bowyer!!

Hobby's: NASCAR, movies, dancing, bowling, roller skating, traveling, having a good time with my friends, etc.

My name is Dee and I am married. Just in case you are wondering. What is my hubby's name you say? His name is Calvin.

Children: I have three boys named: Larry, Randy, and Malcolm. The pictures of them below are their 1998-1999 school year pictures.

Here is my family picture. It was taken at my sister-in-law's wedding on August 30th 1997. Hope you enjoy the picture.

This is a little more recent family picture.

This is just one of my favorite cartoon character's!!

Pets:Constist of 5 Goldfish and 7 Platty fish. It's hard to name all the fish when they look so much alike. But they sure are fun and relaxing to watch.

To Check out my Sister-in-laws Trip click here!!!
It is her Honeymoon trip with pictures included!!

Here is my Niece Mikki!!

I just thought that these were cute roses I hope you like them too!! After all roses are one of my favorite flowers.