Meet the Fockers
Starring: Robert De Niro, Ben Stiller, Teri Polo, Blythe Danner, Dustin Hoffman 
Directed by: Jay Roach, Jon Poll, Marco Schnabel 
Produced by: Nancy Tenenbaum, Amy Sayres, Jane Rosenthal
What Mike Says: OK  this a very hard call for me  because . I liked it but I didn't at the same time. let me see if I can break it down. I loved the first movie. Which I will write a review soon for it!! As far as This movie goes , It lost something. It's a funny movie no doubt about that..I just feel like the magic that made "Meet The Parents" was lost in this film. The Characters just seem bla  to me. Nothing really special about them. Maybe it's not the character development that was bad. I think it was the story that wasn't that good this time around. I loved the Characters. To me the story was kinda silly!! I can't really give any details about the story with giving  it to much away.  It's not by any means a bad movie...It doesn't compare to the first one. For the fans who want to see the cat and dog fight in this the trailers shows ..don't bother..that only lasts about 2 minutes of the film. It was a cute seance but it was very short! All in all I like this movie,  I was hoping for more!!