Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe, The (2005)
Starring: Tilda Swinton, James McAvoy, James Cosmo, Jim Broadbent, Elizabeth Hawthorne 
Directed by: Andrew Adamson 
Produced by: Perry Moore, Philip Steuer, Andrew Adamson
What Mike says: Oh my, is the only thing I say can. What a great great movie!!  It Follows the exploits of the four Pevensie siblings Lucy, Edmund, Susan and Peter in an adventure they will never forget!!  This is one of the best films ever made. It takes place in a land called Narnia, Where a evil Witch has taken control of the land. She clams herself Queen and plans on killing anyone who gets in her way. There is true  King in the land..A lion!!
Who needs help to defeat the witch!! That is where  Lucy, Edmund, Susan and Peter come in. Let me take you back..I failed to mention that the kids are not of Narnia but from earth!! They come though a Wardrobe in the house they were staying at!! So they kinda don't believe what is going on...Would you!!  The film has great cgi and is filled with Action!! There are talking animals in it. My favorite animals are two talking beavers , a Wife and husband who disagree on everything. If you love talking animal movies this is the movie for you...even if your not into fantasy go see it for the animals, you will love it, trust me!! The real Story is based on the last days of  Jesus!! Yes you heard me right, Jesus!!  The Lion Is like Jesus and the witch is like Satan trying to kill his people. I won't say anymore. I consider this film a Christian film. If you love Fantasy and want a good clean action film with heart, then see this film!! We need more films like this!!  We need more writers like C.S. Lewis, ones who put a hint of Christ in there films!!