Dukes of Hazzard , The
Starring: Johnny Knoxville, Seann William Scott, Jessica Simpson, Burt Reynolds, Joe Don Baker 
Directed by: Jay Chandrasekhar 
Produced by: Bruce Berman, Eric McLeod (II), Dana Goldberg
What Mikes Says: I hate  reviewing crap like this. If your a fan of the show, Like me, then Stay away!! I wish I did.  They  totally took a good clean show that had God fearing family (The Dukes) and made them a cussing and they used Jesus Christ alot and they were not praying!!The Dukes from the show had morals. Theses Dukes Could careless about God and treating woman right!! The thing that really ticked me off was what they did with Uncle Jesse's Character. They made him  worst then the Duke boys themselves. All he did in the movie was make jokes about a Woman's private  area's.  I don't know about you I was ashamed to even watch this with wife much less watch it with my parents!! It's not a family movie!!  I don't think the writers ever saw an episode of the TV show. They picked the wrong people for the characters. For one. Boss Hogg..In the show was short and fat!! Why did they chose Burt Reynolds for  Boss?? For Daisy Duke....Daisy had Brown hair...Your going to tell me that Jessica Simpson is the only girl on the planet that can pull this part off?? Give me a break!! Ya she is sexy but a Daisy Duke she is not!! Now Willie Nelson was a good Uncle Jesse but why the hell did they make a such a Pig!! The the man who Played Jesse  on the  tv show is rolling in his grave because of what they did to this once great franchise. OK moving on the Guy who played Sheriff Roscoe P. Coltrane played the part like he never saw the show....Really I think that the whole cast never saw one single episode!! Please trust me on this on Stay away from this piece of crap!!