Eight Legged Freaks
Starring: David Arquette, Kari Wuhrer, Scott Terra, Scarlett Johansson, Doug E. Doug 
Directed by: Ellory Elkayem 
Produced by: Roland Emmerich, Peter Winther, William Fay
What Mike Says: I liked this movie alot  and I hate Spiders!!  It is loads of fun!!  It's a comedy/horror film. Like Tremors. If you haven't seen Tremors, theses movies are lighthearted horror flicks. No Blood and guts like you will see in true horror movies like Friday The 13th, Halloween, Nightmare on Elm Street  etc. The film is about theses small spiders who with the help of toxic waste grown big and attacks the city!! It's like a 1950's horror movie trying to make a comeback!! Great Fun!! If you can't stand spiders and are really afraid of seeing them on the screen..Don't watch this!! I don't mind Spiders on TV just not in real Life!!  I really recommend this film for the people who love the old school horror movies like "Them" "Attack of the Killer Tomatoes". If your a fan of theses then you must see Eight Legged Freaks!!