Starring: Dee Wallace Stone, Henry Thomas, Peter Coyote, Robert Macnaughton, Drew Barrymore 
Directed by: Steven Spielberg, Glenn Randall 
Produced by: Steven Spielberg, Kathleen Kennedy, Melissa Mathison
What Mike Says: OK let tell you something right now. I can't watch this movie that much, Why you ask?? Well because I cry every time I see it. I can't stand the 2nd half of the movie..from the time E.T. gets sick til the end I cry!! OK now that is out of the way. I love this movie. E.T. is so cute. it's about this boy who is so lonely he needs a friend. Along comes E.T. An extra-terrestrial is accidentally left behind on Earth. he needs a friend to help him phone home before he dies!! Its a wonderful movie with heart!! They don't make movies like this anymore..Thank God!! The saddest part for me  is when he has to say goodbye to his his friends and he has to leave..."I'll be right here" is the line that gets to me...OK go ahead and make fun...I don't care..It just goes and shows you I have a heart!! I have tons movies in my collection but I don't own E.T. But I will when I really want to cry!!