King Kong (2005)
Starring: Naomi Watts, Jack Black, Adrien Brody, Andy Serkis, Thomas Kretschmann 
Directed by: Peter Jackson 
Produced by: Peter Jackson, Fran Walsh, Jan Blenkin
What Mike Says: OK first off let me say I'm not really a fan of remakes. It seems to me that right now Hollywood is into making remakes. I guess they can't come up with any new ideas. Anyway This movie rocks. Yes it's a very long movie, running at 3 hours. I found that the  action seances were to long. They seemed to go on and on. The first half of the movie we see a film maker just trying to make it..I won't give to much away...but he and his film crew end up on island that is more dangerous the the island on Jurassic Park . There are some really cool looking monsters and bugs on the island. Then there is Kong. He is without a doubt the best looking Kong in all 3 movies!! This movie is a remake of the 1933 version and not the 1978 version. You may ask what is the difference?? Well the 1933 version had other monsters on the island where as in the 1978 version Kong was the only "Monster". I don't like calling Kong a monster because he really is a sweet ape just lonely looking for someone to be friends with. There  are 3 sweet touching seances between Kong and Ann one with a sunset on the island, one where Kong is holding Ann and having fun on some ice, Then there is one where he is about to die. I was not so sure that Jack Black could pull off this kind of serious roll..but he pulled it off great!! All in all if you love King Kong this is the one to see. the only downfall is the 3 hours running time...but all epics and great classics are long!! Time should not be a factor when you are really involved the the film right?? Best Kong Ever!!