Starring: Tom Welling, Kristin Kreuk, Michael Rosenbaum, Allison Mack, John Glover, Erica Durance, Annette O'Toole, John Schneider
Directed by: n/a
Produced by: n/a
What Mike Says: Well hold on to your tights!! The man of steel is coming your way in a way  that you never seen  him before. Smallville is a look at the Superman legend, before he becomes  Superman!! Sounds boring you say?? I can honestly tell you it's not. It's fun to see how Clark finds out about his powers and is just trying to fit in with the rest of his friends. Each episode revels a little more about him turning into Superman. The first thing you need to do is toss everything you know about Superman out the door. This Superman is one of a kind. Clark doesn't have glasses. Lex Luthor and Clark are best friends but we do see some of the evil peeking through Lex. Can Clark really trust his best friend? Of course we all know what Lex Luthor will turn into...It's fun to see how the story will unfold between theses two close friends who will eventually turn into enemies. If you love Superman but want something different from the legend, then this is the show your looking for!! Trust me you will love it...I have to say that You must watch it from the 1st season on...Each episode follows the next....It's not like one episode stands alone....each episode tells a small part of the big story that is Superman!!