South Park (T.V. Show)
Starring: N/A
Directed by:N/A
Produced by:N/A
What Mike Says: Ok let me first off say this show is bad right down  to the  letter d. It's  not bad in the way you may think. I love this show...when I say it's bad...I mean it's filthy. It's the only really filthy show I love. This cartoon is for adults only!! It's about theses 4 friends Cartman, Kenny, Stan and Kyle just trying to make it though the day without having a big problem coming there way...Which problems always seems to find them. The show talks about what is happening in the real world and news of today... issues that a lot of people don't want to talk about, like abortion, Steam cell reacher, gays, religion etc.. Each episode is so over the top with getting the point across...One episode deals with cussing....Why we shouldn't cuss. In the episode everyone in South Park is saying Sh*t, because the town saw a show where they used the word..Which of course if it's ok to say on tv it's ok to say in the real world right??? Wrong!!  Well the town says the word so much  that it  unleashes a monster to kill the people of South Park...It's up to the 4 friends to save there town. At the end of the episode one of the boys after saving the town to the town...about how wrong it is to cuss..In a way it's a moral show. It never preaches to just shows you both sides of an issue and you decide...Ya cartoon is 2d. Which is cool..most cartoons are 3d...It's nice to see something different. I would never watch this show with my parents....It would make us feel uncomfortable being in the same room together watching the show. It will make you blush in some episodes and squirm in others. All in all I love this show...It's not for everyone....I believe if you are the type of person who has a closed mind, don't watch's not for you. But if you have a open mind about it!! You will enjoy it!!