Underway and making way


bullet The word "underway" means a vessel is not at anchor, or made fast to the shore, or aground.
bullet "Making way" means the vessel is making way through water.
bullet If the vessel is drifting and moving with current, she is underway but not making way.
bullet If a vessel's engine is stopped, but she is still moving through water with the momentum, she is making way.
bullet A making way vessel has control on her rudder and direction.
bullet All making way vessels are underway.
bullet An underway vessel may not be making way.


bullet The difference of light is only in:
bullet A vessel restricted in her ability to maneuver (Except vessel engaged in mine clearance operations).
bullet A vessel not under command.
bullet A vessel engaged in fishing other than trawling.
bullet A vessel engaged in trawling.


bullet The difference of sound signal is in power driven vessel.


Updated: July 04, 2003