Beanie Baby Bears Minority Census Count

Posted at: The Beanie Zoo Group, 1/21/03


Today the census bureau discovered that Hispanics are now the most largest minority group surpassing African-Americans, and I counted up the number of colored Beanie Baby bears there were that were different colors other than white (there are currently 26 white bears), and why don't you read for yourself who the largest Beanie Baby bear minority group is? (Note: This counts the Sherbet variations and the second edition Birthday Bears.)

1. brown bears, 24
2. blue bears, 21
3. pink bears, 15
4. green bears, 14
5. red bears, 11
6. purple bears, 9
7. ty-dyed bears, 7
8. tie - black and yellow bears, 6
9. patriotic/stars and stripes, 5
10. four-way tie - orange, magenta, gold, and [black-and-white] panda
bears, 3
11. three-way tie - beige, cream, Frankenteddy, 1

Mr. Beanwell

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