Santiago Sacatepequez, Guatemala

The Feast of All Souls - November 1 and 2

Crowds of people, adults and children, gather in the local cemetery to fly giant homemade kites.


Only the very largest ones, over 12 meters in diameter, never leave the ground.

In his house, the night before the event, Antonio, who learned from his own father, puts the final piece in place using a homemade glue.


Many kites feature simple colorful patterns and flags of uncertain affiliations.  Others, however, are adorned with cultural representations or even political messages.  The one on the right "The Dream of Peace" features George W. Bush and Osama bin Laden shaking hands over the world.


The most important ingredient in all the event, is the spirit of youth.

Building kites has become a matter of family. 

Days before the event, the the people of Santiago put fresh coats of paint on tombs, shore up the slumping mounds of the humbler graves, and cover everything with a vibrant blanket of flowers.