RHR Inc. Holding Company
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Department of Development

Development >>> Mission

"Nothing in the mortal world is created to its fullent extent without undergoing a series of development". A quote once said by RHR Inc. Holding Company's founder Mr. Michael J. Francis.

Even the world was destroyed and re-created by our Father in Heaven. Everything must undergo development. Human Beings need shelter, water, food, homes, banks, leisure activities, gaming houses, supermarkets, vacations, and last but not least, a future.

The D.O.D. (Department of Development) will assist the Americas and Foriegn markets with every development option in existence, known to humanity, for men, women, and children.

The D.O. D. will develop consumers, even the less fortunate to become successful leaders in the way they wish and the way we as a people need help, as well as the development of businesses designed specifically for this need.

In the end of development training, one should know their role in today's ecomony.

Divisions Include:

The Currencies Group
Francis Western
Diverse Development
Market Source

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