RHR Inc. Holding Company
Department of Intelligence

Intelligence >>> Mission

There is an old saying that states: "If you think education is expensive, try ignorance". In RHR's Department of Intelligence, this saying is associated with a strict pledge and code of conduct.

This department manages data imports and exports. Data that may help and save countries from chaos. Data that may help prevent disasters and enforce security when and where needed.

The Department of Intelligence has been in development since the late 20th century, with specific focus on global security, community law enfircement, and covert operations. No one is allowed access to DOI files or other data without permission.

Products and Services from this department will include high-definition security systems, aerospace and satellite time leasing, and food for though formulas like: ingenius thought processes, I.Q. enhancement formulas, and strategic development loops.

Some of the best professors, doctors, philosophers, religious leaders, believers, pshycologists, and scientists will cooperate with the Department of Intelligence in RHR Inc. Holding Company.

Divisions Include:

Datanet Agency
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