RHR Inc. Holding Company
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Chairman makes statement for 2002 Qtr1.

Dear Friends of RHR,

We had been looking back on the past development of RHR Inc. Holding Company since inception. I have never been part of such a great accomplishment in my life.

I’m writing this from my bedroom, believe it or not, looking out the window with a vision of what our future is going to be like. We got this far and I have no plans to turn back whatsoever the situation.

Our management team is well prepared for the transition from small to large enterprise, as we will add knew faces to the extraordinary team of executive managers.

As some of you may know, I took part in a multi-million dollar transaction this past February that will benefit RHR in its many years to come. The transaction included the acquisition of 51% of intellectual property for entertainment subsidiaries, new plans and blueprint ownership rights for our infrastructure, and general assets of 31 business concepts. These concepts are now wholly owned subsidiaries of RHR Inc. Holding Company.

Our website has experienced 100% improvements and updates, including animation, online brochure, corporate structure, sitemap, news, and a stock trading arena for our common stock shares. Our address is http://www.rhrincholdingco.com for those of you who are not familiar with this dramatic change.

The Internet has been like a 2nd world for our operations. RHR Inc. Holding Company and rhrincholdingco.com are treated as separate enterprises. As the corporate headquarters manages businesses, our online presence is becoming a primary source for media, entertainment, and financial relations. The site alone has set a solid ground for us to build on.

RHR Inc. Holding Company commenced operations from Los Angeles, California in August 2001. Since then, we have developed six departments that help us track revenues and prepare spin-offs and stock splits. Investors can realize immediate capital gains from private investments now, because of our affiliation with the many private investors in the Americas.

Our latest corporate valuation shows that RHR is valued at $9,818 Million USD. This is great for a start-up. Our value was compared with four other major media/entertainment conglomerates, surprisingly, we are not last on this list. Investors will now feel more secure than ever with RHR ownership interests because of the outcome of the valuation. E.I.P., Porto Mobile Systems, and a few other subsidiaries were not included in the valuation because of their high projected income and their unique assets.

However, as a major corporation valued at 9.8 Billion US Dollars, we are considering a complete S-1 registration with the SEC. Our career opportunities have experienced a dramatic increase as well. With now over 500 available positions, RHR is ready to launch a 2002 “teaser” product line. These products are estimated to be a direct need for a majority of America’s households.
You can imagine the market share that we will inherit. Content, Intelligence, Technology, Communications, Business Direct, & Development are the heart of business today.

And with the help of rhrincholdingco.com, RHR can dominate the market with the other big fish. Our comparison to small recording labels now as RHR Inc. Holding Company is not mandatory for operations management input in our corporate headquarters operations. But, in 1998 as Rowdy Honcho Records, (which is now a wholly owned subsidiary of the 2001 launched RHR Inc. Holding Company), we were barely able to compete. The idea came to use an interpolation of the name since it’s already established and create one of the largest enterprises in the world. RH Music Works was created to be a major recording label division of RHR Inc. Holding Company, department of content, competing with other major and even smaller recording companies.

In 2002, we have several projects distributed worldwide, with contracts and/or major contacts in nearly every country. Our product development team and our corporate capital department is working around the clock to ensure that RHR follows through with plans according to schedule.

As you may clearly know, we have managed to make it from a small recording label (1998, Rowdy Honcho Records) to a larger and powerful global entertainment and media conglomerate.

RHR has established many online and offline working relationships with established, renowned businesses, setting another solid wall in the daily operations of RHR Inc. Holding Company.

Together we can turn the next 5 years to come into prosperity. I estimate that our grand value will exceed $60 billion dollars by the year 2007. I encourage investors to invest and customers to stick around as we make history in the new century.

Sincerely yours,

Michael J. Francis
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