WELCOME! Mr. Messina's Page

Mr. Messina's Page


This page will provide you information about Mr. Messina's classes during the year. There are also links to Mr. Messina's Clubs: The Math Honor Society and the Chess Club

Here's The Latest News:

Specific info on each class:

Geometry- Period 1: Chapter 11 Test, Next Wednesday, 6/4/08. 4th Marking Period Notebooks Due Wednesday 6/4/08
Geometry- Period 2: Chapter 11 Test, Next Wednesday, 6/4/08. 4th Marking Period Notebooks Due Wednesday 6/4/08

Advanced Placement Calculus, A/B- 3: Final Test, Chapter 8, Friday, 6/6/08.

Click on Galileo to be linked to THE Mr. Calculus webpage(the one with all the AP exam help I always mention in class)

Honors Analysis: Chapter 14 Quiz, Friday, 6/6/08. Final Exam, Friday 6/13/08. Yes, it is Friday the 13th! In Honors Analysis, that means its a day of good luck!

Accelerated Analysis-7,8: p. 612, 1-30. Test Friday on Chapter 13, Probability

"In mathematics you don't understand things. You just get used to them."

Terrell Owens

US (Hungarian-born) computer scientist, mathematician (1903 - 1957)

Click on the Mu Alpha Theta symbol to go to the math honor society web page

Follow the regular days on the syllabus for clinic. Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays if you need extra help on anything. Chess club meets once a week - that usually is not a clinic that day(Weds). I stay on Fridays when people have made efforts on Mon-Thurs and need extra help. Be at Clinic on-time (by 2:30) if you need me to stay late.*NEW*Click here for some quick math help!*NEW*

*Be SURE to hit the REFRESH button to get the latest information- you may still be seeing information from 3-4 weeks ago!*

Click on the chess graphic below for the latest schedule of CR-South chess club meetings(still updating):

Click here to send an e-mail to Mr. Messina!

Below is the number of people who have visited this site since the last update:


Click this link to go to Council Rock South's Web Page.