I Need A Haven

With a shading hand,
pain lowers my head.
My heart beats around so many memories
that these eyes bleed clear salty blood
once again when I'm alone.

I caress my skin on the edge,
my life always hanging in the balance.
With lowered eyes I imagine
it's beauty once again.

I thought I was fine,
I'm not.
I thought I had places for everything.
I must be full.

I just can't,
I just can't stuff anything more inside.
No more hate,
no more anger,
no more guilt.
My seams are coming loose.

I bleed the past with every step.
Terrible, ugly things drip from me.
I leave a dark trail.
for all to see.

My life weighs so much.
Everything feels so thick and slow.
My past just overwhelms me
and steals like a clever thief.

I need a savior to come and cover me
because I'm afraid of myself.
I need a healing rain
to raise my face to
and cleanse my wounds.

I need one forgiving, loving person
to reach down and touch me,
to hold me.
to lift me from my demons
who torment my life so

I need an angel,

I need a haven.