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Technology - "Technology is a body of knowledge and the systematic application of resources to produce outcomes in response to human needs and wants." (Savage & Sterry, 1990)

Technology Education - "Technology Education involves designing, making, developing, producing, using, managing, and assessing technological systems and products." (International Technology Education Association, 1998)

Technology Literacy - "Technology Literacy is the ability to use, manage, understand, and assess technology." (Technology for all Americans Project, 1996)

Technological Design & Problem-Solving Process - Creating solutions often involves the process of designing. The purpose of the design process is that it is a tool to help make problem solving more effective and a way to document your work. Although the following diagram is drawn in a linear manner, think of the design process as a “design loop” where you have the opportunity to switch back and forth between steps in a thinking-questioning-evaluating mode and acting-doing mode.

Click here to view the diagram. (Adobe Acrobat Reader Required)

Universal Systems Model - Solutions of problems often take the form of systems. As the following diagram shows, systems can be divided into three parts: input, process, and out put. Inputs to systems are called resources, and these resources are necessary to drive or energize the system. In a technological system, three things can be processed: material, energy, and information. The output of a technological system can take many forms. In the model shown, a heated or cooled home is considered the output. Feedback can be considered a way to communicate with the system and modify the output.

Click here to view the chart. (Adobe Acrobat Reader Required)

Technology Education Strands - The Technological strands of Technology Education are divided into 3 key areas: Physical Systems, Informational Systems, and Biotechnological Systems. See page 7 of the following document (Executive Summary – K-12 Program Rationale and Guide) to view a diagram that shows how these areas relate to the national standards that have been developed for technological literacy.

Click here to view further information. (Adobe Acrobat Reader Required)