Hello, this is the losdjhfoihnsfhlsa of all areas. It's near the slkfjslfjjkj, which is by the akjdh;sakf;s. The entrance is in skjfhks which becomes adkhalkdh when it's dark; this is where the sakflsh people live. The graveyard is where s,fhk;asf pay their respects to other members of the ashdklhlkl who put wheelclamps on trees. whfsklhgklsjfk;ahfka; asked for directions to smfhak;hfka;fjh on the outskirts of ajkfhaskl;jhfksaljhfkls near ashk;fkahs;fhak;jfj off the M25. He got lost and ended up in ajkdsfglakjsfgiuarg, a neighbouring village which used to be known as hoiryhoij[nhsasdasabv until it got a chill. 'dgiurnyhuosbrgiuaeinhnb?' asked a local to our wearly traveller. 'not on Monday's' came the reply as he placed his egiurhgpiaeugiuppub up his nose and listened for the sound of ratjkqiubiuriephgiup;euruipi which sounds a bit like ugnijngiu;abdujk on a bad day such as Thursdays or wednesday afternoons.gieurhgieuhgoiaeurbuiuprbfawbfgi peuiubgiaebgeurabgviaeoiw[iiooi was a wand with strange powers. It often was used to power a washing machine, which was commonly known as riehtnopergnoieaiagghg or afjkagyufobajuhbvalajlabfhgfkl in the local dialect. The village had a bench which was dedicated to the memory of George. However the mason mis spelled the placue and it said egkrgpweiouiaehnvgea;kj;kall and chess. This caused much excitement in the Arab community.

  'erwgfuowbvflujhbfoaubgiunbipeaubiuengipseugniaseunrgiuegbuaipubpau eriuhgiearbgiguekvgjdbfgkjasjbgslk (deep breath) fasiupfgpiaeubfi;pa ae ieuaprhiuubfipaebbbrvieui erauhiperbviuadnviua;bgvuieaiuerhvid.' said the local mayor at the cabinet meeting, an inspirational speech which touched the many civialans, some of the sexually. 'iurehgieehgiehnkshninlksrtjgjsl[jgop' replied the local ghost who could only get work at haloween but often was a rigjpeoinhoiergnekp of the local community. 'I agree' said the mayor, resisting the temptation to add 'gruogioegnk;dngiopngkl;n,x.,,,s,,,,wjroi4whtn' which would have complicated the reply.
'I'm changing my name to Alan' said gigiepbgfidsbfiueaphiuaegkjaejbng 'my signiture takes too long'

'Do you know where the fairy liquid's kept?' asked a fairy who wanted a drink. 'Me? I'm only a rjoierubgiueabvgkjdaslfk;ajfakjlj9iiwe' said the mayor 'and I've never taken cocane'.

'What about oidpfgnjrgno;sbvskd;nbvs;dnb[oisdfnlkll;xx;;;fkeoforokj?'
that's just as bad.
'Not as bad as ingepikngepngvkjadgnvkjagj;akkkfla;kfdasl;fj alkfjoijm la'f  'a fo[ opaerfgkjopp['ejkgoijgnio;gnnnoiergpnnn.e'mxcl[[[makklf e;pgk eopkpegmjjjjjjjoinggganggnbaaafunhoo' the mayor replied.
'Ok ' said the maggott, when he could have said'tihnjgios;rgnjk;e njk;ain jkbljhhhh;llllhnjk;vg lgcjlbvljbgulbbbbbnuhuuuuk bcdttj,hhhb jyg y7giupipbgub;piuh pni;hnn'njidnvf[rwsojkmvmlks'kvnte'by['onteo'jvnwo'nh'thieto'hinvtihoew]#'bjh#]iyb'e#jybbbbmrynjoput

the mayor stoked his ripe bottom. 'OK?' he asked. 'you're talking bollocks'.
'ergidfusalkfjpafojal'tjflar'jeggogl'gakjggaepokjg;alkg;aekg#;lka;#gk eorjgas#jg]paerojgpoker;dm,v;lgdkmflgdsl;gjiowtu]pifa;mlbg;llgms#;gka alkemjgeasognjeaongao'i\gfirieajgjiajg#pag[giropejgoappgaepkrgp[gpa[e aopirjgiaopgjaieo[haeh[oiujgoiajge[ajagggggggaojgra[jgra[oiaer[ogejigae[iao[erjga][jgao[i'zg;dknvgrtigohoaeopjgro[[ogoepaeagiiegi aoirgeo[agijeao[[[[[[[[ggejhrgoi[eag[jae[goijreogijeoigjiijaojgprepap aoierjheiggaherrrrreeeeeeeeeeeegggggggggggggg'anego['inalket;jgoeoiaeo ieraghoe[raairrrrrrrrghoijvfnaaoifnma['rejireoperop oeaipjfoi[reeeeeeeeeegoe[odfjmldfkgoerirplc,hifugrtore eoirgheo[ahgdlkdfigpoaperopggoaep[gjioa[ghiosigjbsebkjzjlkdfireofokkkjdfh dfiovghj   dfioia;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;o hhiahgaoiiiiiiii[hgio[eaihgiae[irrhgiha[hgioa[ghhkcvnlkbniaopgh aeoighoe[ahoaghoga ahgiohgioa'gjreajoa['jgopoea]pg taepaaape gjaeap[a' the traveller concluded before trampelining on some plasta.