Mid-Term Exam
1. Explain why < 3 and < 5 must be supplementary.
2. Find the value of x if n is a right angle.
Find the slope of the line passing through the given points.
3. X (5,6) Y (5,8)

4. Find the value of x so l is parallel to m.
True or False
5. < 1 and < 5 are consecutive interior angles.
6. < 2 and < 6 are supplementary.
7. State what kind of angles < 1 and <14 are.
State the name for the sets of angles.
8. Given: Triangle QRS = Triangle RST; M<QRS=M<RST
    Prove: Side RS = Side ___ because of alternate interior angles.

9. A triangle with all equal sides is considered what?
    A. Equilateral                         B. Isosceles
    C. Right Triangle                   D. Equilangular

10. Which of the following are correct? ASA postulate is when?
      A. Two angles and the included side of one triangle are congruent to               two angles and the included side of another triangle, the triangles are         congruent.
      B. Two triangles are congruent if and only if their corresponding parts         of corresponding parts are congruent.    
      C. If the sides of one triangle are congruent to the sides of a second            triangle, then the triangles are congruent.

Fill in the blank.
11. A triangle is equilateral if and only if it is ____________ .

12. What is the value of x?
13. What must be congruent for two triangles to be congruent?

Make a conjuncture.
14. Lines A and B are perpendicular.

15. Points A, B, and C are noncollinear.

Write if then statements.
16. Three points are not on the line, they are not collinear.

17. Acute angles measure less than 90 degrees.

18. Given: 2x + 3/2 = 8
      Prove: x = 13/4

Statements                  Reasons
    A. 2x + 3/2 = 8
    B. 2(-2x + 3/2) = 2(8)
    C. 4x + 3 = 16
    D. 4x = 13
    E. x = 13/4 or 3 1/4

Justify each statement.
19. If side ABC is congruent to side CDE, the AC is congruent to side CE.

20. If XY-5 = GT-5, then XY=GT.

Fill in the blanks with: sometimes, always, or never.
21. Scalene triangles are __________  isosceles.

22. Two angles that are congruents are _________ complementary to the same angle.

23. Two angles that are vertical are __________ nonadjacent.

24. Does K(11,21) lie on the graph of y = 6x - 45?

Use the figure to answer the question.
25. Name a pair of adjacent and complementary angles.

26. An _______ is a figure formed by two noncollinear rays with a common       endpoint.

Draw and label a figure for each relationship.
27. Lines S, T, and U are collinear, but do not intersect.

28. Using the distance formula, find the distance between point A(16,3) and point B(0,6).

29. If CB is 9 and GB is 22.9, what is the length of CG?

Solve for the area.
30. L=7, W=5, A=?