Instantaneously, you find his hand brushing your cheek.

Your eyes now flickering like the flame of a candle,
Butterflies endlessly fluttering about in your stomach....

With a single featherlike motion....

He turns your face to meet with his....

Tracing its contours as if he might be contented, maybe even a bit passive.....

You can feel the blood pulsing through your veins and you think your heart might exit your chest,

In less than a blink, he presses his lips to yours.

All that you felt has abruptly stopped.

His kiss, bringing with it a sort of tranquility,

All you can feel is a velvety tenderness.

Then, like the flip of a switch, his kiss erupts with a passion that you have never been touched with before.

He is kissing you as if to satiate the need.

He is feeding not only his hunger, but yours as well.

Your body is filling with this profuse urgency,

Temperatures now equivalent only to that of the earths core......and rising

Such delirium radiating from within a single kiss.

Just then, he slows.....kissing you softer.... and softer yet....and then.......

He pulls his lips away from yours.

You open your eyes, fearing it might have been a dream, only to find him right there reminding you that it wasn't.

As you nurture your first breath onto his face,

you realize something,

He had kissed you in such a way that would change you forever.

Part 2

Written by: Indigoblue03