Here are various JAG and writing-related links.

Fan Fic Links

JAG Wallpapers

  • JAG's Paper Place: A collection of JAG wallpapers, as well as Alias and X-Files

JAG Wallpaper

Writer's References

JAG Related Yahoo Groups that I own and/or co-moderate

  • jx-aurpg: Home of the JAG Alternate Universe. By invitation only. To join, please follow the instructions on the group's home page.

    JAG AU

  • harmandmac4ever: One of the oldest and largest JAG groups around.


  • JAG Shipper Archive: JAG story archive featuring stories by many different people.

    JAG Shipper Archive

  • JAG Couples Club: My husband and I started this group due to the fact that JAG brought us together and we wanted to know if JAG has had a similar impact on anyone else.

    JAG Couples Club

Be warned, though. Some of my groups have been targeted by spammers. I have absolutely NO tolerance for spam in my Yahoo Groups. If you spam, you are GONE. My co-owners/mods and I take a very tough stance on spamming. These groups are here for the enjoyment of the JAG fan community...not for porn freaks and those looking for online dating services.

JAG Fansites, Groups and Discussion Boards

  • JAG-A-THON: A forum run by JAG fans for other JAG fans.


    Backgrounds By Marie