major assignments


So YOU SAY you know the Language, but have you ever explored its’ beautiful beaches, restaurants, shopping markets and other interesting places?

Site developed by Leslie Brown email address: Uloveles 

April 30, 2001

Introduction| Task| Process | Resources| Evaluation| Conclusion

Grade Level: Secondary 7 and 8 grade Spanish –groups of 4

Approximatedays: 3-4 days

Note to Instructors:This webquest is designed for students with some familiarity with the use of surfing the internet and having the use of databases for gathering information and using Hyper studio as a form of presentation. If this is not the case with your students, some class time will be needed to demonstrate the application of these tools prior to assigning the webquest project.




So learning Spanish in my class was CAKE, but what about the culture, traditions, geography that some Spanish speaking countries have to offer? Well, what are you waiting for? YESSS, get your passport ready and pack up your suitcases as you are about to experience an adventure to Mexico! Beginning today, you and your family are going to travel to Mexico. The problem is that everyone has different likes, dislikes and personal interests. Therefore, you will have to make an itinerary that will fit all your personal needs and interests. Once you have visited all these wonderful places, you will either bring back to my class information and pictures for a scrapbook to showcase in class or create your presentation using Power Point. This will be the only way that you will never forget such a memorable experience.










As members in your "family", you will be searching the Internet for places that will interest you and your family. Once you get back to the United States, you will make sure you have all the information and pictures (downloaded from the Internet) into a scrapbook to make this an experience of a lifetime. In addition, you will be responsible in selecting one of the places you visited and write in Spanish why you preferred this place the best. Beginning with this beginning sentence. De todos los lugares, me gusta la playa________, porque es muy interesante etc. (Of all the places I visited, I like this beach because it was very interesting).



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You and your "family" of four people- mama, papa, hermano, hermana,. Once the group has come up with your Spanish last name, each will take a role, since all of you have different interests. Allow me to introduce you to your familia_______________.(last name).

The father: He likes to go out fishing and enjoys taking long walks along the beach with his wife. He likes visiting the museums and enjoys dining out.

The mother: She likes to shop at open- air markets for good deals. She also loves going to the beach and sip on her pina coladas. She loves dining out also.

The son: The son loves clubbing every night and loves meeting new friends. He is into collection Mayan information for his Anthropology project. In addition, he loves going to the movies and eating fast food.

The daughter: She loves going out dancing. She enjoys the outdoors, mountain climbing and, of course the beach where she likes sunbathing. She loves shopping at the mall and loves tasting new foods.


Once you have determined who is playing which role, you will begin your trip, via-internet. Based on the interests of each family member mentioned above, you will visit places that best fit your interests and needs. At that time, you will be gathering information and taking pictures (via-printing, or saving them onto your personal folder to create your Power Point presentation). Don’t forget that you will also be responsible for writing a short paragraph telling us in Spanish which place you liked or preferred the best and why. Once you arrive to Albany, you will be putting together your scrapbook or finishing your Hyper studio presentation to show off to your classmates in class. Make it creative, colorful and interesting. (You may divide it into cities, and write a couple of sentences in English as part of the scrapbook and presentation is concerned. You will hand in your last copy of your paragraph written in Spanish once you have presented it in class also.)



The following resources will help you and your family find places that will suit your interests and needs. .

Stories from USA TODAY, AP and other sources

Mayan Riviera: Development hits once-sleepy villages

Mayan Riviera photo gallery

Baja's black eye: Americans injured, jailed after car crashes

Some new guidebooks to Mexico

Explore Mexico via the Web

Safety of Mexican travel questioned

Mayan tomb discovered in Mexico





Your scrapbook or Power Point presentation will be evaluated on the overall product.

The content-------------------------------------------30 points

(Power point presentations will be given 10 extra points)

-Student gathered information from the links provided (15 points)

-Student gathered information based on their role(15 points)

Creativity---------------------------------------------30 points

-It has an creative flow and consistency

Collaboration-----------------------------------------20 points

-Students worked together with no problems(4 days of collaboration x 5 points for each day)

Oral / written presentation in Spanish -------------20 points

-Articulation is good with no hesitation (5 points)

-Pronunciation of language in comprehensive (5 points)

-Grammar is consistent with verb, noun and adjective agreement(5 points)

-New words were used with background knowledge (5 points)

A maximum total of 110 points can be earned!!










Not only do you speak, understand and write its language, but NOW understand its’ culture! As you have explored it with your family through this webquest, you may have found it rich, beautiful, unique and very interesting. This is just the beginning part of your journey. Now you have invaluable information just in case you realize this trip one day!! LET ME KNOW!! J