<BGSOUND SRC="thehop.mid" LOOP="INFINITE"> Classroom Procedures

Some of Our Class Procedures
Background Music: The Hop

Here is a list of some procedures we use in our classroom.

HOMEWORK: Students will usually have homework Monday through Thursday with an occasional weekend assignment. Homework assignments are posted on the board and students are expected to copy them down into their agendas. Assignments are due in the homework bin by the next morning. If a student fails to complete the homework they will have their name written on the board. The student's name will not be erased until they have completed the homework assignment. The student will not participate in recess until the homework is complete. I will not accept MESSY work- this includes homework and work done in class. TO LEARN MORE ABOUT OUR HOMEWORK IN 3RD GRADE SEE THE WEBPAGE ABOUT HOMEWORK.

PARENT SIGNATURE ON ASSIGNMENTS AND TESTS: Please look for the stamp "Please sign and return" on your child's papers. This is usually put on papers or tests that I want to be sure you see. At times I do not send home actual tests but will write the test grade in your child's agenda. Please sign next to the grade so I am aware you saw it.

PARENT SIGNATURE IN AGENDAS: I will at times write notes in agendas. Please be sure you check your child's agenda daily. If I have written a note please sign after it so I am aware you saw it.

FIX: If a student receives FIX on their paper when it is returned to them this means that they need to “Fix and Return” it. Usually if something needs to be fixed it is due to a misunderstanding of the directions, which has given the student a unsatisfactory mark on their assignment or have not finished the assignment. All FIX papers are to be completed by the next morning. If the student does not return the FIX paper by then he or she will receive the unsatisfactory score on the assignment.

CLASSROOM LIBRARY: We have many books in our class library. Students may borrow books with my permission. Students should have one or two books to read in their group bin at all times. Students may not take classroom books home but will receive time each week to visit the Media Center and check books out that may be taken home. Classroom books may not be kept in students' desks. Each group will have a designated bin to keep their books in that they are reading.

CLASSROOM DISCIPLINE/ BEHAVIOR MANAGEMENT: To go along with our "smile" theme in our classroom we have a Smile Board. Each student begins the day with their smile on "happy". After a verbal warning, if a student has difficulty not following our classroom rules (posted in class) he or she will "change their face". The face will then be a straight face. If problems continue the student will "change their face" to a sad face. (Some offenses such as: fighting, lying, stealing, and extreme disrespect automatically will skip one or more of these steps).

Daily Consequences for Each Offense:
1st Offense: Warning
2nd Offense (straight face): Lose 5 minutes of recess
3rd Offense (sad face): “You’re Out”: removal from group (sit alone) and no recess
4th Offense (face removed from board): Removal from class (work alone in another classroom)and write a note home explaining what you did; students may be written up at this point too)

Note: Repeated and consistent offenses will follow the school-wide discipline plan and can result in required parent conferences, referrals to the guidance counselor, referrals to the principal, suspension, and expulsion. The behavior of students who continually disrupt and interfere with the learning process will not be tolerated.

At the end of the day, I will usually stamp the face in your child's agenda that he or she had at the end of the day. If he or she receives something other than a smile face I will usually write a quick note describing the behavior. "No news is good news!" which means if there is nothing stamped in your child's agenda he or she was fine!!

BIRTHDAYS: We love to celebrate birthdays in school! When your child’s birthday is coming up, we always welcome treats for the students. Please let me know in advance if you will be sending in a treat to celebrate your child’s birthday. Treats must be in school by the time we go to lunch for us to celebrate.