First Nine Weeks
Mrs. H.'s English Home
Progressions Starters
At the beginning of each week, you will find on the overhead a prompt to respond to in the form of a single paragraph.  Each following day (except Fridays), you will be assigned a way to change the paragraph.  At the end of the week, each version, or “Progression” will be collected, including the original paragraph.
Progressions Starter Document
Please note . . .

§ You will be given 10 minutes each day to complete or revise your paragraph.

§ We will not work on Progressions on Fridays, but take part in SSR instead.

§ You will turn in four separate Progressions, including the first paragraph, each week, except for weeks with holidays or weather cancellations.

§ Each day’s Progression is worth 25 points toward a Level I grade.  Progressions will be graded based on quality and adherence to the assignments.

§ Each Progression, inclucing the first paragraph of each week, must include a date and title.  The title will be written on the overhead in the day’s assignment.

§ You are responsible for making up Progressions even when you are absent.  Check with a classmate to get the title and assignment for the day.

§ A Progression should never be less than a full paragraph in length (see Composing a Complete Paragraph handout)  nor longer than a full page.

§ Three times during the semester you may choose to write on a topic other than the one assigned that week.  You must write “*CHOICE” as part of the title when you do choose your own topic.
April 24-27
May 1-4
May 8-11
Laura Huertero 2006
May 15-18
May 22-25
  May 29-June 1
Back to handouts
January 30 - February 3
February 6 - 10
February 13 - 17
February 20 - 24
February 27 - March 3
March 13 - 17
March 20 - 24
March 27 - 30
April 3-6
April 10-13